Saturday, January 15, 2011

Micro Dean Connector -markley -guitare

the many (too many) truth Via Poma

Credo sia giusto spiegare ai miei lettori il motivo di questa lunga assenza da questo blog. Non ho scritto nessun articolo oramai da circa un mese (l'ultimo era quello su Saviano e la querelle con i giovani manifestanti anti-Gelmini datato 17 dicembre) e la cosa, debbo confessarlo, mi ha creato un leggero sintomo di inquietudine, di imbarazzo. Non ero abituato ad astenermi dallo write, I missed that simple contact with the dozens of readers who usually came on this site. But the reason was simple and easily understood: as I explained on the my blog ( ) lately I'm experiencing a wonderful and unexpected love story that I was totally absorbed, private (thankfully) of all that free time normally devoted to the management of this and other blogs. Having said that (the premise was a must) I am writing about a true story that I believe deeply affected not only the Romans, and that I personally have followed (by a simple reader, but lately also experienced journalist) from the outset: that tragic August 7, 1990. Obviously I am referring to the crime via Poma, of which I have written two other occasions ( ). Yesterday I was in the bunker Rebibbia to closely monitor the final stages of the process he sees as the only defendant's girlfriend at the time Simonetta Cesaroni, Raniero Busco that I saw in the classroom always fixed his cold attitude and a conservative truth that only he could finally reveal himself those enormous responsibilities that twenty years of oblivion court could not (and wanted) to forget to public opinion and the Italian justice. The Rome and Romans in particular need to feel this need to know the truth sull'atroce street crime and the lawyer Andrea Poma Magnanelli, in his clear and passionate harangue of yesterday morning, has consistently emphasized: Busch still has a chance to tell the truth, or to confess and bring down the curtain on this painful story that too many times was about to disappear and start over from scratch so that the real culprit could get away with it. Busco, if indeed it was he who committed the heinous crime, has a duty to stand up (before the Court to withdraw in private on 21 January) and tell the truth, to admit its responsibility, accept the verdict calmly and so pay his debt to justice. I do not think it will. I do not think the type of the requisite courage and sense of justice had to take a step that rehabilitate, at least in the eyes of family Cesaroni (the mother and the sister of Simon, the father is dead panned by the long wait search for truth) and that in itself does not seem just. The ultimate truth of the case highlighted by the investigative findings speak to a crime of momentum after an act of reaction against Raniero Simon (with whom he was flirting dell'AIAG last room of the offices on the third floor of the scale B Via Poma 2 in the afternoon of August 7 quell'afoso 20 years ago), guilty of having bitten the left nipple in a moment of ecstasy, sexual violence resulting from excessive force used by the young lover of the beautiful Roman. A typical sex between teens who saw her romantically involved, much less him considering that Raniero tended more to the intimate relationship rather than mere emotional development arising from a normal link youth. The bite on the nipple did squirt out of my mind that Simon instinctively grabbed a knife at hand in the room and pointed against her boyfriend, who managed to grab it and immediately waged the famous twenty-nine stabs in that murderous rampage that both damn did psychiatrists and lawyers, commentators and investigators. Pm Ilaria Calo has called in its long and relentless indictment, a murder aggravated by cruelty and could not refrain from asking for the maximum sentence provided for in our current code: life imprisonment. This request will be the focus of the likely and predictable long closed session that the Court will pay, I suppose, to opposition and evaluation of many (perhaps too many) truth emerged in the last 11 months of trial. So we learned that Simon was complaining to her friends because she felt she received from Raniero only indifference and sex a Raniero too often abusive and Gascon that, for the prosecution, has built a fake alibi, giving three of his friends as possible "courtship" by Simonetta and then went to the offices in Via Poma have sex with her. Now we are at the final stage, the redde rationem . There you can no longer hide, you can no longer pretend nothing has happened. There is a human duty and justice, to give justice to Simon for many decades, so stubborn and not meaningful, they tried to deny them. Raniero Busco, I repeat and emphasize, there is still time to do justice to its Simonetta (if it ever was), to tell the truth, human and personal, before both the Court of Assizes to do so. The next January 21.


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