Sunday, January 31, 2010

She Male My Red Sacamento


Unofebbraioduemiladieci s anto cielo una data palindroma,
come mi segnala Empedocle, amico segreto del Blog (pochissimi ne conoscono l'identità, provate però a scrivere indirizzando a lui una domanda..).
• Data palindroma dunque:
someone wants to integrate this happy encounter with the astral-numeric
four signs delivered as an exercise after the workshop "Architecture of thoughts

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kitchen Table Dimensions


HELLO EVERYONE! This week I have given much to do with polymer clay and now I want to present a collection of elves.

this is about 3.5 cm high and can be used as a cute keychain.

€ 3.00.

this elf shoes with gold and white hat has the same size as the previous one. These costs;

€ 3.00.

This elf has
legs drawn up and shows that the decorations on the shoes.

€ 4.00.

fantastic success with the gnomes bare foot!! il particolare che la rende ancora più simpatica sono le treccine che le scendono lungo il viso.
€ 4,50.

folletto con i piedi scalsi! felice dell' ottimo risultato della gnometta precedente ho pensato di proporne uno completamente scalso! troppo simpatico!

€ 4,50.

versione maschile con le bretelline rosse.
€ 4.00.

the first gnomes made. I added with permanent marker eyes.
€ 3.00.

you like them? I hope so! these were all made to make the keychain but can also be used as pendants or as if made smaller frames instead of the table using the spiral hook made from wire. Later I'll show you a version. In the coming days, however, we present the rest of the collection!. hello soon!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wii Power Supply Australia

anno nuovo....hobby nuovo

Already! New Year new hobby! we are in January, I have just spent the holidays and I was delighted with the FIMO !!!!! fun and colorful as they become ready and I'll show you pictures if anyone interested can also send me an email!
Ciaooooo! Presto!