Monday, January 31, 2011

Travestiscomendo Travestis


Calendario Esami
sessione di Febbraio, 
inclusi due secondi appelli 
09, h.15.00, Ped.Gen., Scritto3h, Tafuri
22, h.15.00, Met.Ric.Did.Strum. scr.3h, Tafuri
23, h.10.00, El.Tecn.della Voice, Rossi + Rep.Cor., Rossi
24, h.10.00, Dir.Conc. + Did.del Canto Cor, Rossi
25, h.15.30, History d.Mus.per Did. Cano
25, h. 16.30, Met.Arm.eTrasp.Pf., Bergamini
02, h.10.00, El.Tecn.della Voice, Rossi + Rep.Cor., Rossi II App
03, ; h.10.00, Dir.Conc. + Did.del Canto Cor, Rossi II App
03, h.14.00, Met.Ric.Did.Str. scr.3h, Tafuri II App + Psic.gen.e Age Ev. scr.3h, Tafuri II App
09, h.14.00, Met.Appr. to Mus.Cont, Pisano
10 , h.10.00, Tecn.Arr.e transcription., Pisano

An Acrostic Poem For Orlando

Sprachgenussreise mit Sara Gasparri und Benedetta Marchetti-Bonomi

7 - Day speech pleasure trip with Sara Gasparri and authentic Tuscan cuisine at Atelier Cetona with cooking classes by Benedetta Marchetti-Bonomi

07th May - 14 May 2011

your holidays, without much luxury but with all the amenities you need to relax around. Cetona , on the slopes of Monte Cetona (1184m) located enchants with its medieval Stadtstruktur. Umwelt und Landschaft sind hier noch besonders int akt, was wir bei unseren Ausflügen und Entdeckungstouren selbst erfahren und genießen werden.

Kommen Sie gemeinsam mit Sara und Benedetta auf eine kulinarische und sprachliche Entdeckngsreise . Zwei ganz besondere Frauen werden Ihren Urlaub begleiten. Benedetta, die die köstlichsten Dinge zaubert und Sara, die mit Ihrer „beweglichen“ Sprachschule Ihnen die Kenntnisse vermittelt, die sich im Leben und nicht in den Lehrbüchern abspielen.

Mit Benedetta tauchen Sie tief in die toskanische Küche ein und lernen in dieser Woche die klassischen und kreativen Gerichte know from her kitchen, as hand-rolled "picis" with the typical garlic, la pasta al forno and other noodle dishes. They also learn how the typical soup of the region, from beans, legumes, pumpkin, etc., are prepared as in grandmother's time. Benedetta's cuisine is typically Tuscan, country and rustic, but also interprets modern. It will also show us how in the old stone oven Bicos and focaccia are baked. Each day is devoted to a new topic.

By Sara you can expect an education of a very different kind. Forget about classrooms and textbooks. With it you dive into the full life, and explore the country People buy, cook and visit a winery. Every situation gives you the opportunity language easily with professional guidance to or to learn.

you live in Palazzolo delle Vigne , a free-standing, idyllic country villa with contemporary comfort. The house is situated on a hill, surrounded by the typical Tuscan landscape. For our relaxation and relax we have a large garden with swimming pool. At the Palazzo delle Vigne maximum are 14 delegates. The rooms are each equipped with two beds and private bathroom. If desired, single rooms are reserved.

Decide where to On your mind, because if you cook, perhaps, and want to deepen the language or just cook or speak, everyone will find his own personal frame for a week's holiday from the start, because the language enjoy traveling with Sara are in every sense a experience very special

Date: 07 - 14 May 2011

number of participants: Min. 6 max. 12 people.
is not reached the minimum number of participants, you are at least four weeks vo
r departure of the cancellation of your trip in progress.

Prices: Double room HB 890, - € pp
cooking classes 5 Units: 310, - pp
course about 20 hours: 320, - pp

Includes: 7 nights half board at Podere Palazzolo delle Vigne in Cetona, 1x final evening in "Castello di Fighine" in the summer palace garden, 1 cook book: "Original Tuscan kitchen," to harvest seminar at the Winery Gentili, visit an ancient oil mill and pecorino cheese in Pienza, possibility organic vegetables from our gardens, printed recipes and menu plans to take home, travel company by Sara Caspari, travel insurance certificate

We are happy assist upon arrival. If you book your flight, we recommend a rental car for the time.

Info und Anmeldung:
Unter den Kastanien 10 65779 Kelkheim
T: 0049 (0) 6195 9769897 F: 0049 (0) 6195 9769992

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Is The Strongest Percocet


In recent days I've enjoyed surfing the Web to understand, with the case in Ruby full swing, how we are seen by international observers, the opinion leaders, the foreign press. In practical terms, Italy has become the breeding ground for prostitutes, orgies, and the country of the bunga-bunga, the cradle of the trumpets and fellatio. In words povere un gran puttanaio (e lo dice pure Gelli, , una sorta di mentore del puttaniere di Arcore). Ma tutto questo sembra non scalfire minimamente la coscienza e l'anima del cavaliere trapanatore, anzi ingigantisce il suo smodato orgoglio a sfondo sessuale e ne certifica la sua faccia da culo. E quel che è peggio sta nel fatto che una buona metà di italiani lo assolve e lo invidia, lo coccola e quasi lo invita subliminalmente a continuare nelle sue avventure a luce rossa, chiedendogli solo il nominativo dell'azienda produttrice della famigerata "pompetta" che glielo fa ancora addrizzare. Tutto questo, cari my readers, is so surreal and disgusting to border on madness. Here we are at the center of international scorn, compassion forces of other countries, the widespread disgust by anyone not holding an Italian passport. Yet it all seems so normal to touch the ridiculous than the shameful. Fortunately, in these cases comes to the rescue on the brain and good taste: I believe that each of us (if in possession of normal faculties of discernment) can take note of the fact that Berlusconi is a man increasingly desperate, increasingly more just and that is why more and more dangerous. And so are his loyalists, his much beloved yes-men, now struggling (very much) to follow him, to justify it, to endorse the deeds and senseless attacks on the judiciary. I've had check out Thursday night when, during an episode of Annozero ( annozero.html ) the mildly concerned and the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi has certified the torment of a soldier who is running, without conviction, the order of a general crazy. The last gasp of a wounded and isolated Cayman testify to his fear of a loss of power and therefore inevitable oblìo al quale il trapanatore di Arcore è ineluttabilmente destinato. Berlusconi è fortemente preoccupato perchè sa che questa volta gli odiati inquirenti di sinistra (come li ha sempre etichettati lui) hanno in mano qualcosa di terribilmente sostanzioso dal punto di vista probatorio: immagini e filmati che alcune delle sue ancelle predilette, dedite alla pratica famigerata del bunga-bunga, hanno messo a disposizione di chi sta indagando. E Berlusconi sa perfettamente (da smaliziato uomo dell'immagine e della comunicazione) che una bella istantanea compromettente può fare molto più male di cento verbali infarciti da mille intercettazioni. E poi c'è la ben nota Nicole Minetti che ha deciso di presentarsi all'interrogatorio previsto per on the 1st of February and that could make it impossible to continue running the court accompanied by his elderly former benefactor. Of course, we must take into account the fact that Berlusconi's economic resources such as to be able to buy almost everything: a wealth of tens of billions of euro coins into those sums for ordinary mortals are colossal. For Silvio Berlusconi's ten million euro is equivalent to 500 euro a normal wealthy man with a fortune of half a million. So, I guess, Ruby and others have made a simple and justified reasoning, namely that the 5,000 or EUR 10,000 who were in the envelopes, give them the efficient accountant Spinelli, corresponded Pence that normally gives the windscreen at the traffic light at the intersection of Viale Monza or Paullese. The discovery of this obvious fact has resulted in the soul of provocative young escort, the temptation to always be able to fix with a simple blackmail photo or video. Not always, as stated un'abusata publicity, all other things just have a Mastercard. Some vice are priceless. And the last premier of the erections are not always enough to have a blower on command. The fear of the judiciary, processes or even to the end of Cuffaro has led to a formal notice of his beloved playmate. No, no. I'm not talking about faith or Apicella. I am referring to what he has between his legs. Or at least what remains.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cogeco Phone Blocking Numbers

Tedesco per bambini a Livorno


Learn German while having fun with the 'help of colorful books, songs, games and movement.
lessons of 60 minutes, 4-6 children, 10 € per lesson per child.


Individual lessons of 60 minutes, 20 €

Information: o 333 6008104

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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erections but expect Berlusconi to hunt?

After watching last night's bet Annozero event dedicated to Ruby and developments pecorecce current president of the Council ( http://www.rai .tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-6aa91fa7-0e48-400c-9b65-6aaed640d1f9-annozero.html ) I got such a desire to leave the country and more so you do not have to say that I live in a country ruled by certificate and a sex maniac is ascertained, that I finally had to give up only to not find the airfare at a competitive price. But in all seriousness, this situation generated by the latest scandal a luci rosse che vede Berlusconi in pole position non fa altro che aumentare la necessità che qualcuno si prenda la briga di fare un qualcosa di definitivo, di risolutorio, mandando a casa il satrapo di Arcore e ripristinando una situazione di normalità in un'Italia che attualmente viene vista dal di fuori come Sodoma e Gomorra, come un immenso puttanaio, come un Paese in cui si fa sesso a non finire, dove le giovanissime donne dell'harem berlusconiano non fanno troppa fatica nell'aprire le gambe e concedersi al Sultano di Arcore. Ma a parte tutto ciò, quello che francamente più mi ha impressionato nell'appendice di questa disgustosa vicenda è stata la violenza delle parole usate da mister B. in televisione, nella "sua" televisione. Le palesi lies of his childish attempt at defense, together with the media campaign waged by his cronies on both RAI and Mediaset, in my opinion are from red alert. Lying artfully used to trick the country split Italy and circuits that slice of Italians who still identify him (played in 74 years) as an icon by the extraordinary sexual potency (which we all know from the hydraulic system consists of twenty thousand euro that allows an erection). Lies that cause, among other things, a split among the Italians not only on the person of the President of the Council but also on two crucial issues enshrined in our Constitution: equality of citizens before the law and the separation of state powers. And this accade perchè un solo uomo (nella fattispecie Berlusconi) e un gruppo di potere strettamente a lui connesso si considerano padroni di quello Stato che vogliono piegare alle proprie ambizioni e ai propri disegni. In buona sostanza l'affare Ruby ha rivelato, più di ogni altra vicenda, l'essenza stessa del cosiddetto "berlusconismo", ovvero un autoritarismo padronale che si tramuta in regime politico autoritario. L'Italia, e non credo di esagerare scrivendo ciò, sta correndo un serio pericolo. Questa vicenda legata a Ruby e alle altre rischia di degenerare in qualcosa di drammatico per il nostro Paese. Non ritengo che si possano più fare troppi calcoli, in particolare se convenga o meno andare alle elezioni anticipate. Reputo invece che la prima cosa to do is to remove Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi, ousted from its current power. There is dancing in the interest of Italy, the salvation of democracy, the dignity of the Republic, the dignity of politics, respect for women. And I do not think it's a small thing. This story of bunga-bunga reveals a lifestyle and an understanding of the state (as well as relations and human relations) that are not compatible with any public role of commercialization as it is soaked, sex, abuse and violence. It was not perhaps the driller Arcore, a few days ago to say he was proud of his lifestyle? Very good. If you keep it. But if they were authentic example of pimps highly degrading behavior that we avuto conoscenza da Arcore, verrebbero da fare cattivi pensieri sulla natura umana. Ma per nostra fortuna la natura umana è molto più ricca di quella che abbiamo visto rappresentata in questi giorni. Ma a parte questo rimane il fatto che Berlusconi se ne deve andare, rassegnando le dimissioni. Il modo c'è. E' sufficiente bloccare in Parlamento gli atti del Governo, a cominciare dal federalismo tanto caro alla Lega. Basta una presenza permanente, costante e senza eccezione alcuna da parte dei parlamentari delle opposizioni. In men che non si dica ritengo che la maggioranza imploda, sfasciandosi definitivamente. Si tratta di una scelta politica dura e straordinaria, ne convengo, che sottolinea l'eccezionalità del momento e la necessità di farvi ricorso. Ora, e soltanto ora, è necessario uno scatto di passione civica, punto di partenza imprescindibile per ricostruire questo nostro Paese, così impoverito e immiserito, dandogli obiettivi non contingenti e speranze non effimere. E' forse chiedere troppo agli italiani? Non credo.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Micro Dean Connector -markley -guitare

the many (too many) truth Via Poma

Credo sia giusto spiegare ai miei lettori il motivo di questa lunga assenza da questo blog. Non ho scritto nessun articolo oramai da circa un mese (l'ultimo era quello su Saviano e la querelle con i giovani manifestanti anti-Gelmini datato 17 dicembre) e la cosa, debbo confessarlo, mi ha creato un leggero sintomo di inquietudine, di imbarazzo. Non ero abituato ad astenermi dallo write, I missed that simple contact with the dozens of readers who usually came on this site. But the reason was simple and easily understood: as I explained on the my blog ( ) lately I'm experiencing a wonderful and unexpected love story that I was totally absorbed, private (thankfully) of all that free time normally devoted to the management of this and other blogs. Having said that (the premise was a must) I am writing about a true story that I believe deeply affected not only the Romans, and that I personally have followed (by a simple reader, but lately also experienced journalist) from the outset: that tragic August 7, 1990. Obviously I am referring to the crime via Poma, of which I have written two other occasions ( ). Yesterday I was in the bunker Rebibbia to closely monitor the final stages of the process he sees as the only defendant's girlfriend at the time Simonetta Cesaroni, Raniero Busco that I saw in the classroom always fixed his cold attitude and a conservative truth that only he could finally reveal himself those enormous responsibilities that twenty years of oblivion court could not (and wanted) to forget to public opinion and the Italian justice. The Rome and Romans in particular need to feel this need to know the truth sull'atroce street crime and the lawyer Andrea Poma Magnanelli, in his clear and passionate harangue of yesterday morning, has consistently emphasized: Busch still has a chance to tell the truth, or to confess and bring down the curtain on this painful story that too many times was about to disappear and start over from scratch so that the real culprit could get away with it. Busco, if indeed it was he who committed the heinous crime, has a duty to stand up (before the Court to withdraw in private on 21 January) and tell the truth, to admit its responsibility, accept the verdict calmly and so pay his debt to justice. I do not think it will. I do not think the type of the requisite courage and sense of justice had to take a step that rehabilitate, at least in the eyes of family Cesaroni (the mother and the sister of Simon, the father is dead panned by the long wait search for truth) and that in itself does not seem just. The ultimate truth of the case highlighted by the investigative findings speak to a crime of momentum after an act of reaction against Raniero Simon (with whom he was flirting dell'AIAG last room of the offices on the third floor of the scale B Via Poma 2 in the afternoon of August 7 quell'afoso 20 years ago), guilty of having bitten the left nipple in a moment of ecstasy, sexual violence resulting from excessive force used by the young lover of the beautiful Roman. A typical sex between teens who saw her romantically involved, much less him considering that Raniero tended more to the intimate relationship rather than mere emotional development arising from a normal link youth. The bite on the nipple did squirt out of my mind that Simon instinctively grabbed a knife at hand in the room and pointed against her boyfriend, who managed to grab it and immediately waged the famous twenty-nine stabs in that murderous rampage that both damn did psychiatrists and lawyers, commentators and investigators. Pm Ilaria Calo has called in its long and relentless indictment, a murder aggravated by cruelty and could not refrain from asking for the maximum sentence provided for in our current code: life imprisonment. This request will be the focus of the likely and predictable long closed session that the Court will pay, I suppose, to opposition and evaluation of many (perhaps too many) truth emerged in the last 11 months of trial. So we learned that Simon was complaining to her friends because she felt she received from Raniero only indifference and sex a Raniero too often abusive and Gascon that, for the prosecution, has built a fake alibi, giving three of his friends as possible "courtship" by Simonetta and then went to the offices in Via Poma have sex with her. Now we are at the final stage, the redde rationem . There you can no longer hide, you can no longer pretend nothing has happened. There is a human duty and justice, to give justice to Simon for many decades, so stubborn and not meaningful, they tried to deny them. Raniero Busco, I repeat and emphasize, there is still time to do justice to its Simonetta (if it ever was), to tell the truth, human and personal, before both the Court of Assizes to do so. The next January 21.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dry Cough In Los Angeles 2009

Inc and New Deal With

Cage laughs to remind everyone that next Wednesday we will do another run of 19 gennaio2011 proof of your versions of INC / ClappingMusic Riley / Reich (6 of you have booked), and give directions for the final exam preparation.
(R. do not ask "when is the exam? "I do not know yet)

At this meeting we will dedicate half, because it's already started on the course Repertori per Ensembles strumentali e come d'accordo farò quel lavoro di "pensieri ad alta voce" su una partitura, che darà il via alla scelta di una pagina nuova su cui iniziare le esercitazioni individuali.
Ciao, mp

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Many Liters Is In 16 Paints?

E come non dire un grazie di cuore per il rientro romagnol-culturale di oggi?  Grazie a ognuno di voi e, me lo concederete, in particolare a Barbara, esempio per tutti di pazienza, generosità e simpatia.

Did George Crum Attend School?

Activation Materials

from today on January 12 have been activated to the teachings of the subjects were expecting, so you can make arrangements directly with the Faculty of Methodology and Practice executive. However I also send an email to alert waiting to receive the official appointment.
If you are interested to continue / start the conversation with myself on the proposition, you can download the text Seven points tesi_2011 , aggiornato e corretto. Lo trovate nella colonna a destra, al link "Tesi".

Monday, January 10, 2011

Teacher Finds Free Samples Teeth Whitening

Learn Italian on Skype with Sara

Do you have interest for the italian lessons of La Scuola di Sara in Tuscany but you can't travel to Italy? You can now learn with Sara on Skype! We will use the same materials, games, textes and activities as we would use here in Livorno, the only difference is that we are not in the same room. Just try a free lesson (45 Minutes)!

If you wish informations or an appointment write a mail to: .

Skype can be downloaded for free on:

************************************************* *

you interested in Italian lessons with La Scuola di Sara in Tuscany, but you can not travel to Italy? You can now with Sara to get Skype ! We the same material, games, text and use activities that we otherwise would have here in Livorno in the classroom. The only difference is that we are not in the same room. simply make a trial lesson (45 minutes)!

For information or einen Termin schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an: .

umsonst downloaden Sie können Skype:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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entering someone's home generally asks "And 'permission? .
The host will respond with " Please, come! " (or if you give us the " Please take a seat ).

Personally I ask Permit? "also entering an office or a room, is a kind gesture.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pctv 150e 55e Driver For Windows 7


The verb CALL only indicates the action to call someone on the phone, not the talk on the phone.

Can you say "I'll call you tomorrow " (with dative , please!), But not "There call you tomorrow", but "We talk on the phone tomorrow." In this second case, however, prefers to say simply "We feel tomorrow."