Friday, November 26, 2010

Mother Stomach Flu Blog January 19, 2010

the two mammasantissima

The episode last night of Annozero ( -bf76-fa46c1fc76d3-annozero.html ) has revived, in my humble opinion, a dynamic political, business and mafia that you wanted to deliberately buried under an avalanche of indifference and blatant forgetfulness, the main characters (style and Toto Peppino, Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, but the gangster connotation) are really exist and are called Silvio Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri . That's right, the two mammasantissima. Here, the facts speak, detailed and unambiguous, not rumors or suggestions. Based on the reasons for the sentence appeal ( ), against Marcello Dell'Utri, it is shown, I would say the certificate, which the current prime minister Palazzo Chigi met the mob boss Stefano goodness May 29, 1974 (thanks to the interest of Dell'Utri) to ask, one of the most powerful criminal organizations that exist in the world, a sort of guarantee , Security themselves, for their families and also for propria attività imprenditoriale (in quell'epoca Berlusconi era un famelico costruttore). Il motto di Silvio era (almeno credo sia stato così) "LAVORO, GUADAGNO, PAGO" e quindi PRETENDO. Una sintassi quasi filosofica in salsa edile che lo portava a credere che, pagando Bontate, poteva assicurarsi una sostanziosa sicurezza. Vale a dire essere in grado di decidere, tramite un esborso sostanzioso di denaro, il modo in cui sarebbe stato trattato dalla mafia. Berlusconi avrà forse pensato, in quel tempo, che l'essere diventato un intoccabile (protetto da un pezzo da 90 come era Bontate) rappresentava per lui un privilegio, una sorta di manifestazione indotta della propria potenza, soprattutto di natura economica. Dalle carte proceedings are also learns that the entrepreneur Berlusconi, including threats and intimidation attacks, he continued to pay the protection Cosa Nostra ( to feel comfortable ) at least until 1992, paying 50 million lire to ' year. Practically peanuts, for one of his caliber, used to dive, like Uncle Scrooge, in the jacuzzi full of bucks from 100 000 lire (then) and € 500 (currently), believing that the god of money can buy everything and everything can solve. Wrong. And ugly too. The so-called protection of the Mafia can not be bought. The so-called protection of the Mafia (once yielded to its allurements or its threat) is the suffering. It is not a choice, is a constraint. It knows this very well who pay protection money to avoid suffering retaliation. Why pay the Mafia to have guarantees of protection means, first of all pay so that he does not assert his claim, his arrogance, beyond the sums agreed. Therefore means putting oneself in the condition (paradoxical) to be paying out his / her submission to the claims of the Mafia itself. In this way, the disbursement of money is NOT to buy something, but to establish that very act of enslavement and to attest to the fact that those who pay, automatically recognizes the power of the criminal organization that is paying, or the power that the 'criminal organization on who pays. For this reason (Even more ironically) the Mafia, after all, has never shown great consideration for those who pay. Indeed, it takes advantage of, if anything, to make demands ever larger, knowing they can afford. Things are going well, unfortunately, when there is half of the Mafia and maybe not realize it until it's too late. When you try to pretend, for example, to pay or not pay what is not due , neither cash nor in anything else. But this argument can not apply for certain (and, again, the trial papers are proof) when the characters are called Berlusconi and Dell'Utri, the two mammasantissima the twenty-first century.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What To Write In A 21st Birthday Card Sister

the rubble of a democracy (and not just Aquila)

Yesterday when I read a flash agency, where the name was approached in a statement read on behalf of earthquake victims (for life) Aquila, I had a sort of sob brain , a kind of arrhythmia of thought and I said, you want to see that even the nano Consigliori Arcore broke the boxes to act as a permanent crutch that kind of sewer rat who dwells in that of Palazzo Grazioli? Damn, the puppets, my son had to reverse. The news was released that statement that he had thought about the grandson of Consigliori, Enrico Letta, commonly known eater children and owner of horses drinking alla fontana di piazza San Pietro e, caso più unico che raro, il flash d'agenzia era stato ripreso da uno dei giornali più antiberlusconiani per antonomasia ( ), diretto da un famigerato bolscevico nonchè ex agente del KGB, proprio quel Maurizio Belpietro sfuggito di recente alla cattura dei khmer rossi della bassa bresciana, leggermente incazzati perchè Belpietro aveva licenziato (senza giusta causa) uno di loro, rappresentante molto ascoltato nel comitato di redazione. Tornando alla dura realtà, ieri la manifestazione a L'Aquila del popolo delle carriole ( ) has effectively revived the spotlight (just for the truth) on the scandalous situation after the earthquake. Nineteen months after the tragic night of April 6, 2009, everything seems to have crystallized indecorously, as after the casting of Vesuvius at Pompeii. The ruins are still all there to witness the abandonment of a state (or rather a part of it unworthily represented by Berlusconi and his cronies) that has only promised and delayed, denied and insured, guaranteed and denied everything and the opposite of everything, leaving a dry mouth and body with anger in thousands of L'Aquila still sodomized by that infinite serpent of lies and deception, skillfully constructed by the Berlusconi government. And just as the debris of Aquila, the ruins of Italy also democratic are always there, in front of Palazzo Chigi, to prove the negligence and the contemptuous indifference of the Government's commitment to all those citizens (not just L'Aquila), which, although not physically earthquake , are in the soul and mind, in the dignity and the ability to go forward, still hope for a future that they can bring out a nightmare that has lasted three decades. It is urgently looking for volunteers and good people willing to remove these debris (from L'Aquila and Palazzo Chigi), citizens shall bear to the possibility of changing the face of the cities affected by the disaster, (L'Aquila and Rome) and as a result of restore dignity existential dignity and Italy, strongly affected and penetrated down to its democratic roots by a criminal gang that compared to those of the Magliana seemed young cubs, which is the best form of Scouting nationally. That says it all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Best Gay Vacations

Spem in alium

the motet
Spem in alium Nunquam Habu
Thomas Tallis


November 26, 2010 h. 17:00
Conservatory GB Martini, Piazza Rossini 2, Bologna
included in the work of
Festival Choral International City Bologna2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Guitar Hero With Salieri Strikes Back


è partito
o MA
(lo spazio tra le cose)

Wording For Engagement Congratulation Cards


Mercoledì Aula 2-Zamboni
Giovedì Aula 3-Zamboni 
(ma al giovedì controllare sempre: saranno possibili spostamenti dalle 13.00 alle 16.00 per lavori in corso e manutenzione delle carreggiate in ambo i sensi di marcia..)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Long Does It Take Mylanta To Ease Chest Pains

Nicole Minetti, Silvio's the best oral expert

might not have wanted us to talk about her only as a dental hygienist by Silvio Berlusconi. Maybe she'd like to be remembered as the one from the screens sculettava targati Mediaset (in Colorado Cafè ) and that plaque RAI mom (with no malice, the second channel and the transmission was Slag ). Maybe. But the end, willingly or not, the super bodied Nicole Minetti will be remembered for the Ruby case, and I do not think a good thing. The beautiful Adriatic orthodontist, wrapped with sexy stockings Paris, miniskirts and heels to scream in order 12, has made inroads in the heart of the knight during his stay at the San Raffaele Don Verzè after the famous statue in the face thrown by Tartaglia in Cathedral Square in December. Include a check of a molar and a canine from a cleaning with dental floss (which uses the same Minetti for his underwear, much appreciated by the boss) and a filling, hopefully only dental character, the spark plug ignites fatal between the two lovebirds. To this point to convince the Piper Arcore to submit the list of Formigoni, neo hygienist from the blood caliente, to make elected from among the richest region of Italy, Lombardy precisely. Nicole had neither art nor part, and the bill was not even a penny. Precisely for this rider, in his infinite and boundless magnanimity, decided to help her find a nice niche well paid. Allowing, thus, of no longer having sculettare (at least before the cameras) to scrape together a few hundred euro. Nothing to argue, the girl has style, clothing and typical features such as to fall in the preferences of the Satyr of Arcore. A well-Minetti see is a middle ground between the non-tissue and mouse of the candidate and is certainly much pussy-nothing but in practice, if you want to exclude oral practices in favor of Prime Minister and action style Caritas Fatebenefratelli after midnight in the area, home to the police station in Milan. In the end, what can we say? If any other oral Silvio's expert would be proposed for the need to not have to ask Nicole to telephone and e-mail address of the premier. How to floss (must be worn in conjunction with stockings) no fear shall be given in tribute included in the kit of the oral specialist. Registration is open. And possibly the legs as well.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Camiones Futura Chihuahua

Parlare italiano in fondo è facile... :-)

A fun little video on how we gesture when we speak Italian ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Do Beat Arcade On Funbrain

Verbi modali al passato prossimo

Durante la LeZion di ieri su skype è sorta Questa Question: con in Verbier modali passata al prossimo si deve usar l'ausiliare ESSERE o Aver ?

Ecco la Risposta:

(cliccate sull'immagine per ingrandirla)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Annabel Chong Married

the Achilles heel of the rider who knows if

Finally there are grounds to identify the true weak side of the granite Berlusconi's conviction can always stay in the saddle and govern our country. I realized today following his alleged apparitions in the flooded areas and also in his short visit to L'Aquila. The catch: the Pied Piper of Arcore by enormous discomfort people feel (or at least what he believes is the his people) that the whistles and insults him, giving him the Mafia and that the spernacchia, inviting him to go home and resign. For Berlusconi, these protests are like salt thrown on the wound or like vinegar on the lips of the past who is dying of thirst. One thing intolerable, unbearable, paroxysmal. He has always fatto dell'acclamazione, totale ed incondizionata da parte di chi lo sostiene, una sorta di invincibile cavallo di battaglia, lui che ha sistematicamente cercato e caldeggiato la partecipazione continua e deferente della sua corte (sia essa formata da nani e ballerine, affaristi e zoccole, mafiosi e marocchine), per sentirsi infinitamente amato e rispettato, adesso proprio lui si accorge dell'esistenza di quella gente del Nord Est che gli volta le spalle, che lo dileggia e lo contesta così rumorosamente da fargli decidere di uscire mestamente da una porta secondaria piuttosto che trionfante da quella principale per raccogliere ovazioni e applausi da spellarsi le mani. Ecco, cari lettori, abbiamo trovato il rimedio ai nostri comuni mali del terzo millennio: to free us from Berlusconi (and all that damn wheel around) do not have to officiate at the convention or tossing motions of no confidence were not even pennies. Simply, in my humble opinion, just follow the example of those people who today, as aa Vicenza Padova ( 00144f02aabc-), L'Aquila as Milan were made to feel, to the disproportionate ears of the premier, all their lawful protest and renewable energy as a kind of positive reverberate endlessly in all those Italians who (like a person writes) are fed up, but just over Silvio Berlusconi and not wait to wake up as soon as possible in a country more free, more beautiful, more democratic and economically advanced. In other words, in another Italy. It does not take much. Just whistle. Multiplied indefinitely.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Full Hd Rocky Screen Savers

Fini has courage ...

In muddy and not very clear scenario of Italian politics are not always able to see characters (real or imagined) that, in practice, can transform into action the many and sometimes cloying words of good intentions and true intention. Not everyone has the necessary courage to field its authority and its political and moral weight to take be postponed and the necessary decisions. At the time of the First Republic (if it was that we are in the second) was in vogue as rampant political jargon for the use and consumption of the barons of the art of non-communication, or that particular power to speak to the people without being (intentionally ) at the same time understand and send messages more or less transverse to supporters and opponents of the political scene. Terms so dear to the various Andreotti, Moro, Rumor, Gava, De Mita and others, such as "parallel convergences" or "historic compromise", today (duly and properly processed) and thrive in the minds of the greatest leaders in mental propositions our house. From this I incipit, perhaps a bit too convoluted, I wanted to highlight my particular waiting for today's speech a few hours Gianfranco Fini decide at the conclusion of the convention and the Future of Freedom in progress in Bastia Umbra. Yesterday I followed through direct SKYTG24 his brief opening speech that he had something of a skirmish for the troops Berlusconi today there will be something loud, I also appreciated the intervention of hotly Italo Bocchino as well as the perfect interpretation (by impeccable showman) of Luca Barbareschi to read the Manifesto in Italy, with the magnificent background of the music of Ennio Morricone taken into loan from the movie "Once Upon a Time in America". Well, in hindsight, the atmosphere that hung yesterday at the convention and the Future of Freedom was typical for Italy the day before the event in full regalia, before the advent fibrillation ideal highlight, preview crackling the main dish of the day. Now it's Gianfranco Fini did not deny the premise, do not betray the expectations, not to frustrate the prospects of real change that part of Italy calls for deliberately and sincerely. The undersigned is part (paradox of paradoxes) of this fringe Italian about to catapult into a new era of national political season, that of post Berlusconi. All eyes, at least of those italiani che si riconoscono in quest'attesa, sono puntati sul presidente della Camera e tutte le orecchie saranno drizzate e pronte a captare l'evento. Spero solo che Gianfranco non faccia, mutuando un paragone calcistico, come quell'attaccante che, solo davanti alla porta sguarnita, cincischia con il pallone tra i piedi permettendo il prodigioso recupero, in tackle scivolato, da parte del difensore centrale berlusconiano. Spero proprio che ciò non accada. Altrimenti, addio partita.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Acrostic Poems With Cortes

Un commento in danese - Kommentar på Dansk

"I've just been on two weeks of language school with Sara in Livorno. It's been great! Sarah knew how to really adapt the teaching to my level and needs, she had patience and was really good at explaining grammar. And because few speak English in Livorno, I had ample opportunity to test the language skills in the real world - I got a lot out of. In addition some wonderful excursions into the eternally beautiful Tuscany that you never get tired of. La Scuola di Sara gets my warmest recommendations, all that will be better in Italian. "

Jacob ottobre 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lug Nut Covers Cavalier

a dirty like that (Italians like him)

Non posso esimermi da qualche altra considerazione sull'argomento del giorno, della settimana, probabilmente dell'anno. Vale a dire sulle zozzerie compiute, with a frequency that is unbelievable, the Prime Minister of our country. I start with a personal observation: I believe that Berlusconi has all the characteristics (physical, moral character, and more) symptomatic of the classic dirty old man found in bars than once. A sort of decrepit remains of the male lived before the advent of feminism, a male (if we want to call it) that, with the power of money, forcing the women free from disgust and strong stomach, to be subjected to hideous orgies which generate (I think) disgust, indignation and disgust at all those people with normal sensitivity and good manners. But certainly not generate all the emulators (swollen with envy) the drilling of Arcore. The point, unfortunately, is just that. Paradoxically, the symbolic impact of this sad and sordid tale of sex, drugs and bunga bunga is inversely proportional to the custom of an unwritten rule but reasonable application. That which is that, in a democratic country and the civilized adult and sexually, a man clearly out of control (as is now the prime minister) receives admiration and followed by the slice (deterioration) of the same country. This is because, in my view, decades of trash TV, reality television and pornography butcher (based on gender and homophobia) have settled something rotten and dangerous in the brains (and hearts) of men and delle donne alle quali sciaguratamente così a lungo la tv ha parlato. Sono tanti i giovani che si propongono ogni qualvolta parte una chiamata per partecipare a un programma spazzatura o che si appassionano nel seguire quegli squallidi format pomeridiani che mettono in scena il mercato dei sentimenti e della guerra tra i sessi. Mancano (a livello sociale, istituzionale e familiare) dei punti di riferimento forti per quello che riguarda l'universo adulto maschile ed è quindi abbastanza ovvio che l'unico simbolo assoluto e ipertrofico che emerge sia quello di un uomo potente che in modo indisturbato abusa del suo status e che si auto-assolve in nome della sua granitica e sfacciata protervia. Forse è anche figlio stabile di un patriarcato che è is immune to the processes of change in the history of our country. If my information and if my studies were not defrauded by strange events, I can perhaps have the audacity to say that in Italy, sometimes in conflict with others fighting for justice and fairness, were women liberation movements to offer tools for cultural and political practices aimed at changing the history, customs and laws not only for their benefit. And all this, today is a clash on the melancholy situation with the violence of the words of one man (Berlusconi) who spreads hatred, contempt and ill will towards homosexuals, which pays for minors and adults confirm the their sexuality (which is a hydraulic system cost 20 000 €) and to escape his apparent fear of old age and death. That, however, sooner or later, will submit the inevitable and not put off the final bill.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Looking For Show Rabbits In Nj

a letter to make un manifesto

What I'm reading to you, dear visitors of my blog, is a letter written by Marina Terragni (journalist and author, pictured above) to the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi , taken up by many bloggers and some newspapers on line and it deserves the widest possible circulation, because it makes you think and why you want to share the word for word, comma for comma, point by point. I guess the jackals that wander around hungry and dirty hired around the Pied Piper of Arcore have not the slightest intention to make him read, partly because there would be no danger of an awakening of consciousness on the part of the former satrap and the consequence (for the jackals hired) would be that of all home. In the bottom of my heart now houses the legitimate hope that the prime minister to behave responsibly and old have turned back, just as if you wish the author of the letter which I beg you to scroll with the utmost care, my dear visitors of this blog.
Mr Prime Minister, are old enough they can no longer aspire to be selected for his party at Villa San Martino, but also young enough to be his daughter (through divine goodness I'm not). Those girls are my daughters, and she is their grandfather. She says she has a right to enjoy life, but those girls are entitled to enjoy it. If his daughter or his niece, to enjoy life, to find a place in the world, or as legitimate misplaced ambition, were dancing and stripping for an old man who you are, or even sit in his arms, you for sure suffer a lot. These girls are minors or adults is a fact about the law. But even if they remain 25 years aperta una seria questione di coscienza. Signor Presidente del Consiglio, attualmente Lei gode ancora del consenso della maggioranza degli italiani, ma questo non la dispensa dalla più elementare legge morale, che è quella di non fare del male a chi è indifeso, e di non approfittare di chi si trova in una situazione di bisogno. Se quelle ragazze vengono ai suoi party, signor Presidente, non è perchè la trovino attraente, ma solo perchè sperano di ricavarne qualche vantaggio. Per qualunque donna giovane e feconda, non si faccia illusioni, il contatto con un uomo vecchio è ripugnante. Senza eccezioni. Lei compreso. Questo può essere molto doloroso per un uomo che provi ancora il desiderio di una donna, contravveleno alla paura della approaching death. As far as we are told by a lot of literature, old desire can still be excruciating, and even despair. But there is a possibility that the device of conscience is stronger than the desire is sublimated, that the instinct to protect those who are smaller, such as quasi-girls have the upper hand. This possibility and hope we base this on much of the human condition. There are also the guys, only girls, which for many years, practically since they are in the world, she offers a model of relationship between men and women based on the exchange of sex-power-money. His children and his grandchildren, who keep it, you certainly feel humbled by his laxity. Mr. President, Many observers agree that the time of his premiership is about to expire, we are the last days of Pompeii, and we know that an empire to its end almost always a side expresses moral degradation. But without wanting to talk politics, according to its essentials, and even my humanity, the hope, Mr. President, is that the output you accept the limitations and responsibilities associated with its venerable age, you find the moral strength to express some repentance at the last minute to return to the younger generation that, along with something else (the possibility of a job, a house, a life), was taken away from them: trust in truth, built on respect and dignity, and the possibility of building together, men and women, the little bit of serenity in which we are given hope in life. Be helped to do so, whether alone can not. As told by a daughter to a father in serious trouble, and feeling a deep compassion for you and for all.
I would add to the impeccable letter Marina Terragni simply a reflection of all staff. I think if he were still alive the adored mother of Silvio Berlusconi, Mrs. Rosa Bossi, the same phrases and the same considerations made by Terragni were said by Mrs. Rosa to his son and that they would not hesitate a moment to bow their heads and resign from role of head of government, leaving the political scene and immediately retired to private life. Maybe in a beautiful monastery. Absolutely novices.