Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pe License Requirements By State Summary

quando non c'è la Caritas c'è Silvio...

I purposely waited a couple of days before writing some of my thinking on the matter bunga bunga. I wanted to make easy irony of the President of the Council (I always hope not for long) Silvio Berlusconi, who, in a burst of genuine humanity, had worked on May 27, bothered even the chief of staff of the police headquarters in Milan, entrust a young Moroccan even eighteen (held in custody for theft of jewelry and money) to the loving care of his dental hygienist, who in the meantime (for the merits of orthodontics) had become the Lombardy Regional Council, although many continue to believe that most of the dentist's drill worked something else ( ). But then I said, is like shooting on the Red Cross. And I gave up, mainly because someone (even someone) said that Silvio has behaved like Caritas. Indeed, more. But now, apart from everything and the proven part of the Pied Piper of disease Arcore (already amply revealed by the ex-wife Veronica Lario), we try to make clear something serious namely, that those who really does good to others without much trumpeted and without even sending out the police headquarters of its workforce in Italy, nor even the manicure responsible for removing corns and calluses from the valuables and personal ends. Take, for good (with a superhuman effort of will) what I said Silvio good: his knowledge of Moroccan minors is due to the simple fact that he help those in need. The national press (and others) and politics are divided between those who believe in this statement and those who believe that this is anything but. The way I see is another important issue. There are millions of Italians who help girls and guys who really need it. Many do business in exchange for a salary over-content. Teachers, psychologists, social workers and educators. Everyone who finished the hours paid, often continue to work for free because they know that those same boys and girls in the hours following certificates may be in difficulty at other times, needing constant care. Many times these Italians who help the next are already other jobs. maybe working in a bank or are entrepreneurs or even simple workers. And maybe donate their money and spend their time by providing their knowledge and their attention to emotional and operational. Or maybe you are simply parents who part of the many forms of mutual aid and informal crisis facing the dangers of growth. Or even the foundations are experts who decide which projects give the money wisely considering those who manage and those who will use them with wisdom and balance. Yes, dear Prime Minister (I always hope for much longer), there are many Italians who help young Italians and foreigners (and not only the beautiful Moroccan minors). Help their families with complex support measures, respecting the balance and reason and law. They also try to minimize the damage in the absence of the families themselves, through foster care (but with the real one, not like with his antics) or hours and days of time spent. Often these Italians spend part of their holidays with young people in poverty or in need. And to do all these things are updated continuously on how and what to do. Study, participating in weekend confrontation, followed by conferences of psychologists, educators, judges and doctors. Face therapy or personal supervision of the group, but to avoid gross errors. They go abroad and engage with those who do the same thing elsewhere (and do not like her going abroad just to get to the Latvian by Putin or being told by Gaddafi how the bunga bunga ). These Italians of which I speak, dear Prime Minister (I always hope not for long), are believers and laity. Vote to the right and left also at the center. Because when it comes to really make these things (ie to help others), the ideological barriers fall and there are even more politicized judges. And the comparison, natural and appropriate, which includes positions and different currents of thought, and moves to the common reflection about the difficult things done and the results obtained. And with so many mistakes. This requires humility and effort to look within and ask if you are doing all for the kids or for themselves. Also because education is a difficult job, but to educate and support those who are young and in trouble (and not only if she is beautiful and Moroccan) is really difficult. This is the great and laborioso esercito di persone perbene, caro Silvio, che aiuta davvero i ragazzi che hanno bisogno. Un esercito che rappresenta la migliore Italia bipartisan. Chi ne fa parte potrà pensare bene o male di lei (forse più male che bene), esimio premier. Ma sono sicuro che nessuno, ma proprio nessuno, di questi italiani ritiene che regalare gioielli o denaro o vestiti di marca a un'adoloscente in difficoltà (per quanto procace e sensuale sia) voglia dire aiutare veramente chi ne ha bisogno. Perchè credo che il solo pensarlo offenda profondamente gli anni di lavoro, le cose fatte e apprese e lo stesso senso della vita e della relazione tra esseri umani, che nel tempo hanno dato significato all'impegno reale e non propagandistico di questo esercito del well represented by our countrymen. Take example from them, Prime Minister Berlusconi. And by Gaddafi and his harem.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where Did George Crum Go To Elementary School?

Toscana in inverno

Experience Italy and learn italian in Tuscany!

Lessons on the move på region two exercise the language and explore the town eller med motivating language aktiviteter two consolidate the vocabulary och grammar.

...And more:

One day at the market, buying food and then cooking together and one day in Bolgheri at a vineyard to learn how grapes become wine and to taste wines and oils.

Prices for lessons on

Accomodation starting at 30€ for one night.

La Scuola di Sara


Erleben Sie Italien und lernen Sie Italienisch in Tuscany!

Heading into the area to practice the language and to explore the city or with stimulating language activities to reinforce the vocabulary and grammar.

Only this:

A day in the market to shop and cook together and then a day on a country estate in Bolgheri, to see how the grape becomes wine and to taste the wines and oil.

class prices under

accommodation from 30 € the night.

La Scuola di Sara

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Inspirational Quotations Melanoma

le ville del Caimano

All his enemies (political and personal) they want to send home, but he, Council President in office (hopefully not for long), also uses irony to countered by saying that it has 20 houses and therefore does not know where to go. I modestly suggest that the preferred choice in those little houses that bought in Antigua, not only for the square footage but especially for the natural paradise location those villas that can give ordinary mortals. But in all seriousness, that I've seen on TV Sunday night, RaiTre in the transmission Report conducted by Milena Gabanelli ( 4471-b319-a1e4ef43ecf8.html ) has given me an excruciating feeling of anguish, anger and outrage, coupled with a legitimate sense of rebellion. It is possible that we can achieve so much effrontery, impudence and bravado without the public was angry and it makes you feel, perhaps by sending an avalanche of mail or telephone calls, all addressed to the tenant (for me always abuse) that are staying at Palazzo Chigi. While a quarter of Italians living below the level and poverty, while another fifth are forced to live with € 500-600 per month, through the investigation of television Gabanelli (Romans that the minister has called it "hateful") we were shown a sample of how some Italy's ruling class blatantly evade taxes, enjoying life in luxurious villas in the Caribbean, in the free zones, through the so-called tax havens. So as not to go with the thought (and heart) at that group of workers, with the green shirts of the OMSA, seen on TV in the episode of Annozero minutes last Thursday to 44 ( http:/ / ), put on the street by the owner who has decided to move its factory in Serbia, where labor costs only € 400 per month. The ravaged face of that woman of 47 years, without a future, separate from her husband and with a dependent child who receives the paltry sum of 700 € with the layoff, I was saddened and regret to objectively, learning. also has to pay 450 euro for the asylum of her son. Well, that woman's face I think that should be considered as a symbol of political and ethical value of hundreds of thousands of women and mothers (young and old) forced to live in humiliation and despair most despicable and more vicious. This, gentlemen, is Italy's most vulgar and outcast master class of the rich and corrupt politicians and corrupt, who do not care about the highly dignified poverty with which live at least ten million of their countrymen. And the first one that cares is the Pied Piper of Arcore, king of the off-shore companies. So I wonder: what still needs to happen in our country to open their eyes so that Italians say enough? I think at this point the opposition in this Parliament (or at least what is left of it) must necessarily calling to account those responsible for what has been shown by state television Sunday night. It obliges the head of the government to disclose in their institutional and claims to know how it was possible for a statesman to get involved in an operation worthy of the worst international financial crime. And since (I'm pretty sure) it is easy to foresee that Silvio Berlusconi will, as usual, silent, secretive or lying, it is good to ask a parliamentary committee of inquiry to clarify the opacity (as he called the Gabanelli ) of this sensational scandal. Other than the commissions of inquiry that asks him for the politicized judiciary.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Does 14k .63 Mean

la pornografia dei sentimenti in tv

Here we go again. On time. Inevitably. It had already happened with the Franzoni and the Cogne crime, with Erika and Omar, and the massacre of Novi Ligure, with Amanda and Raffaele and the murder of Meredith Kercher a Perugia, con Alberto Stasi e la tragedia di Garlasco. Adesso tocca alla povera Sarah Scazzi. Ogni qualvolta la cronaca nera italiana viene drammaticamente alla ribalta, con squartamenti e orribili rappresentazioni macabre stile Grand Guignol, ecco immancabile la massiccia e ossessiva presenza televisiva di trasmissioni e speciali dedicati a questo o a quel mostro, al tal delitto o al movente di quell'altro efferato crimine. Una serie interminabile di parole, opinioni, sentenze, processi mediatici e quant'altro, tutti declinati in nome di una sorta di orgia della pornografia dei sentimenti e del talk show da quattro soldi, della seduta psicoanalitica nel salotto tv e della gara a chi la spara più grossa. Ovviamente immolando il tutto sull'altare degli share of listening. Nearly two months after the tragic death of fifteen-Avetrana, ten days after the solution of the crime (with the upgrade of the involvement of her cousin Sabrina, with her father in prison ogre) that so shocked the national public opinion, here is that the cameras of the major TV networks do not mention any way to loosen its grip on Misseri to turn the spotlight on the village in the province of Taranto, to pull the plug on this grim and grisly theater of pain cathode. Indeed, if possible, is undergoing a kind of repulsive resurgence of grief and suffering to almost unified networks. Just think of the two main living rooms of the state TV and commercial ( Porta a Porta and Matrix), united nearly to the utmost in going on the air at the same time and almost the same guests, those ubiquitous and virtually interchangeable. Like the good old days. Precisely those of Cogne and Garlasco, Perugia and the rosary beads of the infinite passion and bloody crimes. But frankly, a direct link to the cemetery I did not ever see him on television. I think it's the new frontier of journalism, evil and inhuman, that only a sick mind (also as an actor) and could imagine putting it into practice. Friday morning, during the infamous television program of the equally infamous snake (I'm talking of course of Five Morning and Channel 5 , already notorious for the ugly to the news service on the court Mesiano), dressed in a pseudo journalist appeared before the cameras of Mediaset surrounded by the tombstones of the cemetery Avetrana. Who knows, maybe in the name of freedom of the press (and perhaps in search of an unexpected scoop ) had started in favor of camera in a strategic position, probably hoping for some tip-off from the grave to blurt all'incuriosita conductive Federica Panicucci . The tip did not come, but not for the unworthiness of the pseudo reporter: it is known that the dead are quite a few words. Returning to the TV serial representation of pain and bloody, I must emphasize that almost all (with rare exceptions due and) operators information (or disinformation, do vobis) have been so tough by not stopping at nothing, especially not by never stop, despite the fact that the news are always the same, that the monster on the front page has already been beaten (and jail) and also the surprise of the ogre's daughter in jail has been metabolized. And so, in the absence of new events or other unexpected events, here is that the diligent search for truth is launched, with courage and contempt of danger (even if it gets to take home at the end of the loaf month), almost like a pack of dogs nose in pursuit of the news quell'eldorado exclusive that most of them suck. So down with doubts, with the reconstructions, with the background, the inferences and assumptions, even the most far-fetched and fanciful. The important thing is to attract the attention of the people of CRT, perhaps through an extreme close-up of the eyes of Michele Misseri (the ogre), not even the interpreter was a retrospective of the Sergio Leone westerns targati . By following all the usual hoard of views by criminologists, psychologists, conspiracy, lawyers, presenteeism, the girlie show (a nice pair of legs and two beautiful breasts have never hurt anyone) and babbling away. The fury and passion put into place by the partners in their sterile conversations almost a sort of black humor, almost involuntary, and I remain difficult to explain (to myself first, then to my readers) why the television audience is so morbidly drawn to the pain and dall'alibi that crime gives in to peer into the lives of others. This could be an ideal topic for a talk show a bit more serious or serious, for once putting the media in the dock. Why, I would say, whatever the answer to the question, the responsibility of the media (with their spectacular fan the flames of each cost) is becoming intolerable and loathsome. Someone, perhaps rightly, discussed the alleged sins of Federica Sciarelli, unable to stop his Chi l'ha visto? while the mother of the poor live Sarah learned of the confession of the brother-murderess. But Sciarelli, at least in my humble opinion, had a big mitigating found herself face to face with the news. Under the same train. And what about the cables, the pundits and "experts" that after days continue undeterred to beat blood and tears in a mortar television? How do you find acceptable, if not a duty, this feeling of shocking pornography? Then I wonder: if this is not the worst of pornography, which are waiting to urge the beatification process for Moana Pozzi?

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Modi di dire con il numero 4

In italiano ci sono stranamente molti modi di dire con il numero QUATTRO . Ecco i più comuni:

A quattr'occhi in confidenza. Es. "parlare a quattr'occhi"

Gridare ai quattro venti dire a tutti, pubblicamente

Fare quattro chiacchiere conversare in modo familiare, senza impegno

Fare quattro salti ballare

Fare il diavolo a quattro darsi moltissimo da fare. Es. "ha fatto il diavolo a quattro per partecipare"

bending over backwards

1 give all possible assistance. Eg "I do bend over backwards to make you happy"

2 effort to a goal. Eg "I do bend over backwards to keep the house in order"

name a four to one blame someone

Four cats very few people. Eg "at the meeting were four cats"

In a jiffy in a moment, quickly. Eg "in a jiffy I cooked dinner"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Valentines Day Wedding Seating Plans

ma in che razza di Paese viviamo?

episodes of violence occurred underground in sequence in Milan and Rome not only confirms the barbarity of our current society and humanity of the third millennium. It is not fair, of course, to generalize, but by itself is dangerous to say that something is changing within each of us then the indifference and addiction are the masters. Without disturbing psychologists and psychiatrists, without consulting scholars and analysts trombones of free thought, I think it is sufficient to set the example it is clear from reading two editorials this morning, signed by Michael Serra and Elena Loewenthal, respectively the Republic and La Stampa, taken from the site of Manuela Ghizzoni (http : / / and ). If I can add something too softly, I think this nefarious habit of violent atmosphere that pervades today's society, is also due to the continuous and systematic process of brainwashing and false statement made by the education of a standard TV Model prevaricator of winning the whose result is to have caused a deep anthropological mutation, dare I say even inevitable in this country.
At intersections of streets, as well as by car or on foot, by train or off the premises, both in schools and workplaces, from North to South, there is now an exponential increase of violent act, the fight, aggression, or linked not connected with the small and large-scale crime.
E 'quite well known that in our country are growing significantly disputes, both the condominium and those that are avoidable and solvable through the peaceful relations between people. Whilst it may be that this still exists. We witness (often powerless) to widespread and persistent aggression, indicatrice della fine del senso del buon vicinato, primo gradino indispensabile per poi edificare, su vasta scala, la convivenza civile.
L'episodio di Roma è emblematico: il corpo di una donna riverso a terra è stato scavalcato e ignorato da decine di persone per oltre due minuti prima che qualcuno si chinasse e intervenisse ( ) dopo il devastante pugno sferrato dal ventenne romano a seguito di una banale lite per una precedenza nell'acquisto di un biglietto per la metropolitana. A Milano un uomo è anche lui in coma per le ferite riportate dopo un pestaggio causato dal suo accidentale investimento di un cane: un energumeno, fidanzato della proprietaria the poor animal, he tackled and reduced end of life. But not all, of the attacker because friends have also severely intimidated witnesses of the incident, who have laid down and confirmed that the investor was not high speed and was excusing the horrible fate. Our country, therefore, that classical iconography has always been portrayed as a bit 'rogue but populated by people of good heart and is rapidly turning into a scary place, where being nice and caring is synonymous with absolute loser, where the leader calls on young-looking to be a rich man to settle down and pushes gym dandies models which aspire to become consecrated to idols from TV programs and entertainment such as those of information, in a continuum of training and educational messages that contribute to the minimization and justification (if not the legitimacy) of the violent reaction of the insult, abuse of a just and valid behavior . Beat it first, do not stop to think, look straight ahead, climbs over any obstacle: this is a new handbook that mothers and fathers should keep in mind for the education of children, sons and daughters if they are winners and losers not , as they say today. How to blame them, with a view to safeguarding the blood of their blood, when the educational agencies are at zero in the ranking of political and social priorities?
Gentleness, ethological category far removed from submissiveness and modesty, but an essential ingredient for building empathy and relationship between human, an attribute is now obsolete in the horizon of education and training of Italy Howler aggressive and powerful and arrogant. How to get out of this horrible
social impasse I think today is a painful question unanswered.

Monday, October 11, 2010

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What Do The Number Mean For Le Creuset

Una lettura divertente: Uomini e Donne

John is attracted to Teresa. They go to the movies together, have fun. A few nights after they go to dinner together and again they are fine. In a short time, none of them see more of the other. One evening while returning home by car, Teresa says, "Did you think that today we see that six months?" It is silence in the car. For Teresa that silence is full of meanings. Think: "You might be annoyed because I said that. Perhaps he thinks that I want to provoke a decision. Maybe he's not yet time to make a decision."

But John is thinking: "But ... already six months ..." And Elaine is thinking: "But maybe I'm not sure I want this kind of relationship. Maybe I need a little I also 'freedom, to have time to think, think about what I really want. I'm really ready to this? Do I really know this man? "

And Roger is thinking: "So that means ... ... it was February! Yes, it was February when we started! We started after I left the car to a mechanic ... that is ... we see a time when the odometer ... Shit, I have to change the oil! " And Elaine is thinking: "He was speechless. He is overwhelmed. Maybe he wants more from our relationship. Maybe he knew before me that I do not feel ready. Yes, that is: afraid of being rejected. "And Roger is thinking:" I must bring the car to a mechanic: I should double check the carburetor this time. This machine looks like a truck when he walks ...". And Teresa thinks: "He is angry. And he's right. God how I feel guilty! But the truth is that I do not feel safe. "And Roger is thinking:" And certainly the mechanic tells me that the warranty is only three months ... "And Elaine is thinking:" Maybe I'm too idealistic. Always expect Prince Charming on his white horse ... And now that close to me is a good person, a person who is important for me, a person who suffers from these my obsessions ... I act like a fool! "And Roger is thinking:" Three months warranty? Are you kidding? If I'm not the carburetor system

...!" "John!" Teresa said aloud. "What?" John says surprised. "Please, do not torture it," she says with her eyes full of tears, " I should not tell you ... Oh God, I feel so ... "" What? "Says John." I'm so stupid, "she sobs Teresa:" I know that there is the Prince. There is the rider and the horse is not ... "" There is the horse? "John says in amazement." You think I'm stupid, right? "Says Teresa." No! "Says John happy to finally have a definite answer. "It's just that I need some 'time." says Teresa. There is a pause of about 15 seconds faster than John thinks he can and look for a logical answer. "Sure, I understand," he says. Teresa, excited, takes her hand: "Oh, John, do you really think that?" "Yes." John says: "Yes, definitely!" Teresa John looks into his eyes and he returns nervous thinking that maybe she will speak again of the horse. Finally she says: "Thanks John".

John accompanies Teresa at home and she goes to bed. Teresa weeps until dawn. Meanwhile, John returns home, he opens a bag of chips, turns on the TV and see a replica of a tennis match between two unknown players. A small voice inside her brain says that night driving is something happened di importante. Ma Giovanni è sicuro che non c'è modo di capire cosa è successo: è meglio non pensarci.

Il giorno dopo Teresa chiamerà una delle sue amiche e parleranno della cosa per sei ore di seguito. Analizzeranno più volte tutto quello che lei ha detto e tutto quello che lui ha detto. Esamineranno ogni parola e valuteranno ogni conseguenza. Continueranno poi a discutere per settimane senza arrivare a conclusioni, ma senza mai annoiarsi. Intanto Giovanni un giorno, mentre sta guardando una partita di calcio con un amico, distrattamente dirà: "Luca, sai se Teresa ha un cavallo?"

da "Focus" settembre 2002

Work After Spinal Fusion


Alma Napolitano suona
nella performance IT ME and YOU
di Matteo Lucca

9 Ottobre 2010 h. 20.30
BTF Art Gallery
Via Castiglione 35

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nys Temporary Visitor Expired On Drivers License

Schifani e l'amico blogger

era of modern technology can not be surprised if the mafia also use the Internet, and in particular this platform (Blogger), to write almost as experienced journalists, the faccia di tutto e di tutti. Il Professore di Villabate (il titolo non è accademico ma dovuto alle alte e meritevoli credenziali criminali), al secolo Nino Mandalà , ha aperto recentemente un blog ( ) con la lodevole intenzione di scrivere e disquisire di problemi di giustizia e di carceri, di mafia e di amicizie politiche ed istituzionali, come quella (accertata dalla magistratura) con il presidente del Senato Renato Schifani . Il nostro nuovo blogger siciliano sta cercando, a modo suo, di allontanare dalla seconda carica dello Stato l'ombra della mafiosità che da un pò di tempo sta aleggiando con una certa insistenza, soprattutto dopo i reiterati servizi The Express newspaper de and de The Daily Without a signature, respectively Lirio Abbate and Peter Gomez ( indagato-schifani/2135303 and ). The feeling, at least that mine is that the professor is not just succeed. Indeed, forced to give the Horned his two (former?) Friends, namely Renatino Schifani and Riquet La Loggia, is giving more and more the impression that you have the grudge against them, magari per qualche "favore" non prontamente restituito. Detto questo, per farsi un'idea del contesto socio-mafioso nel quale ha avuto modo di proliferare la strana amicizia tra il boss di Villabate e i due politici berlusconiani, basta andare a rileggersi le intercettazioni tratte da un bel libro-inchiesta (dall'esplicativo titolo I complici ) della già citata coppia Abbate-Gomez, edito da Fazi Editore (per chi ha il braccino corto o non ha momentaneamente risorse finanziarie può leggersi lo stralcio da questo ottimo blog, ). Tornando al blog di Mandalà mi viene da pensare che il Professore non cerchi tanto la vendetta towards two horned , but rather say its about politics and philosophy (rather petty and certainly not along the lines we Schopenhauer) with reflections of acquired in prison. He writes about wiretapping, men walled up alive, marathons vasatorie Totò Cuffaro. She also writes of Casini and Schifani, stating that " not me to say that he has been friend and associate of Senator Schifani, but they say a video of the President of the Senate appears to my wedding and proceedings from SICULO BROKERS showing that we were partners in that company . Mandala is one of the old guard, yet writes with freshness and mental agility (almost as much as I ...); looks like a beautiful forty (despite twenty years of more) to deal with a moral and ethical battle. Schifani when he writes that " is a piece of shit" because he has betrayed not know if it describes reality but gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis long-time desperately trying to recover the moments of life fled away, without there is more chance of recapture. And this is even a little effort. I must confess that I'm surprised this aspect of the Mafia (I'm referring to those who end up in jail and then start a blog, not to those who sit in the House or the Senate ...) who continue to believe that politicians with a loads as high as that of Schifani, not leave from the corrupting power of forgetting friends who have taken them up there for a short memory or interest does not matter. Ultimately, the Mafia (as well as the Camorra and 'Ndrangheta) are the only ones who end up behind bars the nation's prisons (and in solitary confinement for life), to serve that power in criminal other benefit. Most of the time are handled by the system as disposable soldiers, to be used at the appropriate time and then have to rot in jail. When the mobsters will understand that the game is not worth the candle, which cumannari 5 or 10 years in solitary confinement for 30 then it is not better ca futtiri , but especially when you break this perverse relationship between the Mafia and politics then, and only then, can hope (for Italy) in a real change. And we will not need a Mafia-blogger ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nash Travel Trailer For Sale

la piovra leghista

Finish on the cover of a political weekly L'Espresso as should not have caused excessive and immoderate enthusiasm entourage of Umberto Bossi. Also because, lately, more and more frequent surveys (as is currently the director of the weekly Manfellotto Bruno, ) and services of major newspapers italiani che documentano puntualmente la penetrazione di esponenti leghisti nelle banche, negli enti e nelle fondazioni pubbliche e private, così come nelle Asl e nelle reti televisive. Si moltiplicano le tensioni e i conflitti fra la Lega e il Pdl per occupare, a Roma o nelle regioni del Nord, una miriade di posti e di posizioni di potere. Un sistema complesso, abitualmente definito come sottogoverno, che gestisce grandi risorse finanziare e favorisce la stretta integrazione fra politiche pubbliche e affari privati. Con la possibilità di ottenere importanti benefici, più o meno leciti, per tutti i partecipanti. Siamo di fronte a una sorta di mutazione genetica del Carroccio? Forse. E ritengo quindi sia utile riflettere con più precisione sulle premesse, on context and the possible effects of the ongoing process. We all remember (I think) as the league, in 90 years, maintained a monopoly on the ground with the notorious campaigns of anti-thieving Rome and the ensuing controversy generalized against all elite political, economic and cultural. On many occasions the same Bossi stressed and emphasized the character people and people of the Northern League movement. The virtues of industriousness, frugality, honesty and initiative of ordinary people of the North were opposed to the logic of its major economic players such as banks, private corporations and especially the state. The League, however, did not have the support of the bourgeoisie del Nord e neppure quello delle tradizionali associazioni di rappresentanza degli interessi. Il Carroccio cercò allora di dar vita, in modo autonomo, a una sorta di società civile padana , dai sindacati alle associazioni culturali e ricreative, fino alla creazione di una vera e propria banca padana (la CredieuroNord). Il progetto servì a motivare e a mobilitare gli attivisti e i sostenitori del Carroccio ma non ottenne grandi risultati. L'avventura della banca leghista si concluse ben presto con un ignominioso tracollo finanziario. Il quadro, però, cambiò profondamente nel 2008 quando i voti leghisti raddoppiarono soprattutto a spese dei partiti confluiti nel PdL. Nelle successive elezioni regionali l'avanzata the League has continued without interruption, with the conquest of the presidency of Veneto and Piedmont, and he sees still wave the green flag in 14 provinces and 350 municipalities. At the same time the current conflict between Berlusconi and Fini has increased the political weight of the League within the center-right coalition leading to a much more influential role than the most optimistic predictions of Lumbard, all without giving up that trademark consists of questions and popular protests, especially at local level. We must also point out that today are not only popular sectors the main reference of the League and on the other hand, were abandoned polemical accents of the past against the big bourgeoisie. Currently Bossi's party has broadened the consensus within the ruling classes of northern Italy, enhancing its ability to represent their interests more effectively than other political forces to seize control over the hearts of many managers and entrepreneurs of third and fourth row. The Senatùr statements about its willingness to conquer the northern banks have openly explained a new qualitative leap in the League's policy. The project, initiated by the party for some time, seeks direct employment by members of the League of all possible positions in the party patronage: the powers vested in political institutions at national, regional and local authorities can find a natural e tradizionale completamento con i posti disponibili negli enti pubblici, nelle fondazioni economiche e nelle banche. In parallelo alla competizione (sul terreno elettorale) con il partito di Berlusconi, si è perciò sviluppata una serrata contesa fra la Lega e le diverse componenti del PdL, e queste aspre dispute per le poltrone e per la distribuzione dei finanziamenti richiamano alla memoria le epiche battaglie degli anni 80 tra il PSI di Craxi e la DC. La novità è che oggi l'attuazione del progetto leghista comporta uno squilibrio tra il numero dei posti disponibili (o conquistabili) e gli esponenti del Carroccio di cui Bossi può fidarsi ad occhi chiusi: la soluzione l'hanno rapidamente trovata moltiplicando enormously the tasks assigned to some local leaders, however, that causes a kind of rejection by the public, which critics (I think rightly) this trend to the creation of custom estates in different regional contexts. The downside is the fact that dealing with greater ease all possible positions at the level of patronage, Bossi's party seems to lose those traits that characterized the past and now finds himself the star of controversy must be sterile and useless even for emphasize its diversity and its role as a prime representative of the North. Now the league is so directly involved in the affairs of national economic from having to shift the focus of jokes about Italian Bossi on ourselves instead of the traditional Roman thieving Rome. But then beat a retreat and apologize for not too de-legitimize their presence in government and party patronage. Not before he had a good meal of polenta and pajata with Alemanno and Polverini. In the face of the Romans.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Genital Warts And Blood In Stool

il Paese dei missionari (della libertà)

Since it went into action, and unfortunate that fateful day of 26 January 1994 (also remembered for the famous nylon stocking on the lens of the camera), Silvio Berlusconi has made freedom of the noun the complete works of its activity politica. Praticamente non c'è stato comizio, discorso o semplice telefonata con la mignotta di turno senza il quale il Cavaliere non abbia fatto ricorso al termine LIBERTA'. Una specie di ossessione subliminale che deve ancora tarare se, come dimostrato anche dal suo discorso-show di domenica sera a conclusione della 2^Festa della Libertà del PdL, ogni 10 parole usate (a parte comunisti e giudici) una è libertà . A questo punto mi sorge il sospetto (non necessariamente maligno) che la sua paura inconscia sia proprio quella di perderla questa benedetta libertà. E ovviamente stiamo parlando della sua. Gli incubi notturni (quasi parametrabili a quelli di un vecchio sketch in bianco e nero della pubblicità dell'Olio Sasso in which the late Mimmo Craig could be seen in the dream with a huge belly and wake her belly was no longer there) contain a cold sweat the Knight, though diminishing with all the precious pure silk sheets and soft pillows in the shape of the breast breast, nipples included. And so that fear of handcuffs is exorcised using the mantra of the word freedom, expressed in every form imaginable. Until you get to these new formations (from unsuspecting guardians of the precious freedoms of the Prime Minister) referred to as perhaps a little pompously team of freedom ( ) . In practice una versione riveduta e non corretta dei vecchi "missionari della libertà" che, a loro volta, erano figli e nipoti rispettivamente dei "paladini della libertà" e dei "pretoriani della libertà", tutti malinconicamente e celermente archiviati nonchè rottamati senza nemmeno usufruire del benchè minimo incentivo di Stato. Ci fu anche una televisione della libertà, fortemente voluta dall'allora non ancora ministra Michela Vittoria "autoreggente" Brambilla, che fece una ingloriosa fine e di cui mi occupai con un articolo scritto poco più di due anni fa ( ). Insomma, a quanto pare, le naufragate esperienze del passato non debbono having taught a lot to the lovers of freedom and especially to dominus par excellence, the service order issued by Mr Berlusconi in Milan on Sunday by the stage was to form new teams of missionaries of freedom (or team then the substance is not change) to be present "capillarmemente" in the country and in the 61 000 polling stations, and of course inevitable in view of the upcoming parliamentary elections. Now the problem, if we want to call it, is the recruitment of these missionaries of the door to door to freedom, these militants blind and obedient to His service broadcasting. It served the accounts in hand, about 300,000 since the president del Consiglio ne vuole cinque o sei per ognuno dei 61.000 team della libertà e di questi tempi non è facile assumere (senza nemmno stipendiarli) giovani e meno giovani con gli ideali berlusconiani, anche perchè cieci ed obbedienti sì ma coglioni no di certo. E allora sembra che questa chiamata alle armi del Berlusca stia miseramente naufragando: quelli che hanno risposto affermativamente (fregandosene di ricevere in cambio del loro impegno un carnet di buoni pasto) sono a tutt'oggi circa 50.000. Un pò pochini se la previsione era sei volte tanto. Ma tant'è. Il cavaliere non sembra preoccupato: volete mai che uno che ha impiegato 154 giorni per scovare il successore del ministro dimissionario dello Sviluppo Economico non riesca a trovare 250.000 missionaries with a heart Berlusconi and with the preparation of the "salesman of freedom"? But God forbid ...

Salvia Holday Park Pa Pa

Cinema! Italia!

Come ogni anno, nei cinema Tues diverse città vengono in Germania proiettati diversified film italiani contemporanei in version originale con Sottotitoli in inglese. Un'ottima possibilità per scoprire nuovi registi ed attori, imparare qualcosa in più la lingua italiana esercitare sull'Italia ed. Ecco la descrizione dell'iniziativa:

For the friends and Friends of Italian cinema:

13th Cinema Italia - Tour

the German public has about Cinema! Italia! the unique opportunity to benefit from a whole series of new Italian films to come that never otherwise in Germany seen on the big screen would be. Moreover, with Cinema! Italia! to the fact that some of these films also manage to become increasingly aware of and regularly get into the German cinemas.

Cinema! Italia! presented to the public every year in Germany's new on Italian culture and modern Italian life . The tour takes the information much different film exactly on what is being discussed currently in Italian society, where Italians have preferences or everyday worries. It provides an easily accessible, but interesting and exciting insight in the present and the history of Italy, in the culture, the Mediterranean lifestyle - and shows the beautiful regions of this country.

The original versions (with subtitles) guarantee an authentic and exclusive experience.

The films of the 2010 tour:

Cosmonauta - The Cosmonaut
Fortapàsc - Fort Apache

Generazione Mille € - € The 1000-generation
Mar Nero - The journey to the Black Sea

Questione Tues cuore - A matter of the heart

L'uomo nero - The man in black


Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Do I Cook A Thin Sirloin Steak?

a proposito di off-shore...

The recent story on Caribbean offshore company, which would see the brother in law Fini involved at least to the waist, I was awakened from the torpor of one who has bothered to go back in time for news almost like a truffle dog. But after tonight's speech in Milan (yet another of the series) Berlusconi's all pro-active with no holds barred against the judiciary, led me even more to revive the old and dusty story (semidisowned) of the 64 companies off-shore the then Fininvest Fininvest, which was also a secret, a Fininvest shadow. A system of companies domiciled in tax havens that the intention of the Cayman had to remain underground, ready to perform the most delicate operations, those that can not be done in the light of the sun because of pesky laws that hateful posts to the conduct of free entrepreneurs. Instead, the Milan prosecutor's office, unfortunately for Berlusconi, aided by tax police of Her Majesty the Queen of England, was able to discover everything. In particular, we ascertained that the foreign companies through the so-called Fininvest "Group B" were carried out by each budget as well as out of control tax and corporate, many illegal operations: the conquest of Spain in the control of the Telecinco Telepiù, from companies such as climbing Rinascente, Standa and Mondadori a weird billionaire financier Julius Malgara granted to the President of Auditel TV era, from purchasing of players to fund any of the budgets of Milan, from the financing of politicians to pay the judges of the Court of Rome to buy favorable rulings. But to understand how it worked this Fininvest shadow is necessary to make a sort of summary of previous games.
In June 1996, Fininvest, was on the verge of economic collapse. The Alfa has a negative net financial position of 2.396 billion. The managers are looking to squeeze liquidity everywhere. But banks have already made and are on guard. The locomotive of the group (Publitalia 80, the dealer who collects advertising for networks of Berlusconi) has been serving the difficulty of the advertising market. And just to get the money you decide to purchase the Standa.
The company is bad but the home now and pay in cash. In return, providers are paid 120/150/180 days and the "house of the Italian 'is falling apart. But the emergency requires sacrifices. To save Silvio Berlusconi's Fininvest's only one way: take out the most attractive of the group and try to sell on the stock exchange as soon as possible. On 10 June 1996, the Consob, the supervisory board, registered the prospectus for the placement of Mediaset, the new sub-holding of the three television (Canale 5, Rete 4, Italy 1) chaired by Fedele Confalonieri. On page 67 of this document is a section titled "Legal and arbitration proceedings." It has the number 17, perhaps not coincidentally, in four pages and provides an overview of a formidable list of troubles. Here is the final comment: "The company (Mediaset) can not exclude that the share prices can influence a possible negative outcome of these proceedings, including those related to the controlling shareholder, is the attention from the media ' . The document mentions a very modest to the alleged false accounting Fininvest. A line in total. But it is precisely this line that feeds a voltage in the Milan offices of paroxysmal Biscione. The concern is well founded. The Milan prosecutor's office has just received the papers from London's so-called "Fininvest Group B - very discreet." The sexual harassment of the media has focused on the fact that dozens of foreign companies, often controlled in a hidden way, blacks have created funds to 1,100 billion lire. The main tool for these food availability from outside was the sale of counterfeit and altered television and film rights. According to the Milanese judges, politicians, leaders of the group, and so players are paid in questo modo per anni. Nello sforzo di non compromettere lo sbarco in Borsa tutti gli uomini di Mediaset ripetono ossessivamente: noi non c’entriamo con l’inchiesta, noi non c’entriamo con Fininvest. Lo slogan è credibile? No, per tre semplici motivi . Uno: Mediaset è una controllata di Fininvest al 72%. Due: i principali amministratori di Mediaset e quelli di Fininvest sono per lo più le stesse persone. Il terzo è il punto più importante, anche se non sembra. Nel mondo old economy del 1996 una società da quotare viene valutata sulla base del patrimonio. Ora, il patrimonio di Mediaset (nel 1996) è rappresentato dai diritti televisivi, cioè proprio il settore dove i giudici sospettano the most serious offenses. In the period between 1989 and 1991, for example, have volatilazzati $ 600 million in intercompany transactions on rights negotiations in London. The mechanism is simple. Company A buys Company B by which it sells to C for an additional charge. C sells to D and so on to Z. A to Z are all hidden Fininvest subsidiaries. A to Z, it is always the same film. Only it costs a hundred instead of ten. The difference between ten percent are blacks funds. On the other hand, the leaders of the Alfa can be confident that the strong price fluctuations in the trading markets are a normal thing. So much so that the listing Mediaset library of rights, namely the element principale e decisivo per il prezzo di collocamento dell’azione, è valutata 2.078 miliardi. Soltanto l’anno precedente valeva meno della metà (909 miliardi) sulla base di stime fatte prima da Claudio Scola, un perito del Tribunale di Bergamo, con la collaborazione della società specializzata Bannon. L’ultima cifra (2.078 miliardi) è stata indicata nel maggio del 1996 dalla Kagan world media, un’altra società specializzata nella valutazione dei diritti con sede a Los Angeles. Questa ricostruzione dimostra come , nel giugno 1996, l’ombra del Fininvest Group B sulla quotazione di Mediaset sia alquanto spessa e inevitabilmente fitta. In Italia, però, nessuno sembra accorgersene. Each stakeholder has her eyes fixed on his particular act and under the rules of his craft.
Let us start by the judiciary. The deputy prosecutor in charge of the investigation is Francesco Greek. It 'an expert on financial crimes supported by a brilliant team of police. Although it is a historical member of the pool clean hands, does not agree with the method of Di Pietro made arrests, confessions and investigations faster. But clashes between the two have had little publicity and Peter took off his gown a year and a half earlier. Greek holds good documentary evidence. He asked and received valuable support from the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), an anti-crime financial structures more prepared. On 16 April 1996 the SFO, the British raided the London studios of CMM Group EDSAC lawyer David McKenzie Mills. The booty was rich. Mills ran dozens of foreign companies on behalf of Fininvest, and other Italian groups such as Benetton. Heavy evidence seems to show that enormous sums have been withheld from the official accounts from 1989 and up to stesso1996.
All major newspapers talk about it and not just in Italy. They take care of the deal, the British and then the English, since, 22 May 1996, Judge Baltazar Garzon is presented in Milan for help in its investigation of the occult control of Telecinco. But all this commotion, strangely, does not disturb too much the Consob. The monitoring body at the time led by Enzo Berlanda, appears satisfied with the purpose clause in paragraph 17 of the prospectus. Who buys Mediaset securities do so at your own risk, as always happens in the stock market. Mediaset Perhaps the risk is a bit 'higher, but so be it. Between Consob and the judiciary there is no communication because there is not mandatory. The judiciary is the judiciary that is independent and depends only on the law. And the Consob? As despised, and considered by many as an institution almost useless, Consob is an autonomous body equally. With a small difference. Its commissioners are not appointed for a competition, as judges, but by the Treasury. In other words, Consob responds to the executive. The Secretary of the Treasury, appointed May 18, 1996, is not any one. His name is Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and was governor of the Bank of Italy. By his government, led by Romano Prodi, the green light comes to listing Mediaset.
The Olive Tree, again in those days, shows a great sense of responsibility
. Does not interfere in the listing of Mediaset and the judiciary to let go its way and Consob for her, even if the two streets will never meet, although there are 1.1 trillion of funds finished blacks, among others, to Bettino Craxi and Cesare Previti, is also if the controlling shareholder of Fininvest, and is named in the hands of the opposition leader, even if Fininvest will maintain a close management control of Mediaset (after listing) as a shareholder, even if the rumors of sales of TV Rupert Murdoch's Alfa spread by Berlusconi will prove timely virus hoaxes. In June 1996, what really matters to Romano Prodi, and even more to Massimo D'Alema, Berlusconi is a relaxed attitude, so as to achieve the reforms of the Bicameral. Even if the reforms will not. The strategic mistake of the Olive, most of all afraid of disturbing the goods, cleared for a period of at least politically sette anni in cui il gruppo Fininvest è stato gestito nell’assoluto disprezzo delle leggi che regolano i mercati stessi. Il 23 gennaio 2001 arriva puntuale la richiesta della Procura di Milano di rinvio a giudizio per Berlusconi, Confalonieri, Galliani, Livolsi e per tutti gli altri manager. Dai pubblici ministeri milanesi vengono elencati una serie di misfatti societari impressionanti. I 1.100 miliardi di fondi neri sono serviti per frodare il fisco, presentare bilanci abbellitti rispetto alla realtà, controllare canali tv contro la normativa antitrust. Sono pratiche che si possono condensare in una sola espressione: concorrenza sleale. A questo disinvolto stile manageriale va aggiunto il pagamento di uomini politici al fine di ottenere favorable treatment in the law on TV. Moreover, the three fire companies very discreet (1989-1991) is crucial for the core business of Alfa Empire. Those three years when the hardest moments of the battle for control of the issuer. After fierce clashes parliamentarians in October 1990 Parliament passes the law Mama. For the Republican congressman Oscar Mammi and his party will be the swan song. Besieged by Craxi's Caf Andreotti and Forlani, the PRI will be released by the government in April 1991. The new minister is the Social Democrat Carlo Vizzini but the law remains. Vince duopoly with three goals in as many at Fininvest and RAI that However, it has the trump card. On June 1, 1991 Telepiù debut, the first Italian pay-tv. Fininvest has an official participation of 10% but the controversy over a control hidden by Berlusconi started now, barely held back by the guarantor for the publishing industry, Giuseppe Santaniello. The newspapers of the time can not, of course, give notice of two other events that take place in the same months of 1991 in the secret paradise of some foreign company. In September, the All Iberian, an offshore corporation funded by the Guernsey Financial Silvio Berlusconi of Luxemburg (later Société financière internationale d'investissement), pay 15 billion lire on account of holding Northern TDB Geneva. From there the money goes into an account of the Banque Internationale de Luxembourg in the name of Mauro Giallombardo but referred to Craxi. The other operation license plate 1991 are 91 billion of treasury bonds, from the personal funds of Berlusconi, monetized credit institutions of San Marino and, according to some witnesses to the acts of the investigation, used to "finance the policy."
are the same year in which part of the operation of Telecinco, the English broadcaster bought by Alfa through All Iberian and Catwell with a screen created by joint and Principal Finance, the company that in 1991 filled the same All Iberian billion, the financing of Socialist Party. Concessions for Italian TV arriving in August 1992. Just in time. Six months earlier, in February, had been arrested a Mario Chiesa, a Socialist, and that stop had created great inconvenience to Craxi. In 1993, in full Tangentopoli, part of the "wave design". Here are its main stages. Mediaset, a small Ltd, includes the business of spa Reteitalia that controls some of the most important group of Londoners working in the trading of rights. In February 1994, while Berlusconi is preparing to win his first election, Mediaset Ltd. is incorporated in future financial and disappears. In December, financial future and change the name to be called back Mediaset srl. In the same month Malta to set up the International Media Services ltd. At the same time, companies trading in London administered lawyer David Mills are gradually emptied until, in March of 1995, Mediaset goes public. Disappear from official papers for the latest company Mills (Leopard Communications, Lion Communications, Nst), while IMS enter into activities in Valletta. Maltese society immediately becomes the keystone of the system of rights. Since the first year it is a mass of about half of the entire volume bought by Mediaset in 1995 (1.173 billion). Even the IMS, which also will appear in the IPO prospectus of Mediaset, it is maximum transparency. The head office in Saint John Street, Valletta, is little more than a point of support given by two local nominees imposed by corporate law. The offices are operating in Lugano, Switzerland, and from there the film deal with the majors in Los Angeles. Until landing on the stock market, then, the heart of Mediaset will be abroad, in spite of suspicions about the Fininvest Group B. The placement is a success. Six months after listing in early 1997, Fininvest is left with a positive net financial position and liquidity of 500 billion in cash. The shareholders are happy. D'Alema chairs the bicameral Commission. Consob supervises. Dr. Greek prepares its request of trial. Everyone, in short, cultivates her garden, in full independence. Why "offellee ago mestee el tò" ('pastry chef, makes your job) as he always says Knight. Only he who is an entrepreneur with employers, workers with the workers, and farmer with Coldiretti striker with striker, has no problems garden. Italy is the great estates. And apparently still continues to collect undisturbed its rich fruit. But maybe soon someone (the Judiciary?) Will submit the bill. Definitive.