a letter to make un manifesto
What I'm reading to you, dear visitors of my blog, is a letter written by Marina Terragni (journalist and author, pictured above) to the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi , taken up by many bloggers and some newspapers on line and it deserves the widest possible circulation, because it makes you think and why you want to share the word for word, comma for comma, point by point. I guess the jackals that wander around hungry and dirty hired around the Pied Piper of Arcore have not the slightest intention to make him read, partly because there would be no danger of an awakening of consciousness on the part of the former satrap and the consequence (for the jackals hired) would be that of all home. In the bottom of my heart now houses the legitimate hope that the prime minister to behave responsibly and old have turned back, just as if you wish the author of the letter which I beg you to scroll with the utmost care, my dear visitors of this blog.
Mr Prime Minister, are old enough they can no longer aspire to be selected for his party at Villa San Martino, but also young enough to be his daughter (through divine goodness I'm not). Those girls are my daughters, and she is their grandfather. She says she has a right to enjoy life, but those girls are entitled to enjoy it. If his daughter or his niece, to enjoy life, to find a place in the world, or as legitimate misplaced ambition, were dancing and stripping for an old man who you are, or even sit in his arms, you for sure suffer a lot. These girls are minors or adults is a fact about the law. But even if they remain 25 years aperta una seria questione di coscienza. Signor Presidente del Consiglio, attualmente Lei gode ancora del consenso della maggioranza degli italiani, ma questo non la dispensa dalla più elementare legge morale, che è quella di non fare del male a chi è indifeso, e di non approfittare di chi si trova in una situazione di bisogno. Se quelle ragazze vengono ai suoi party, signor Presidente, non è perchè la trovino attraente, ma solo perchè sperano di ricavarne qualche vantaggio. Per qualunque donna giovane e feconda, non si faccia illusioni, il contatto con un uomo vecchio è ripugnante. Senza eccezioni. Lei compreso. Questo può essere molto doloroso per un uomo che provi ancora il desiderio di una donna, contravveleno alla paura della approaching death. As far as we are told by a lot of literature, old desire can still be excruciating, and even despair. But there is a possibility that the device of conscience is stronger than the desire is sublimated, that the instinct to protect those who are smaller, such as quasi-girls have the upper hand. This possibility and hope we base this on much of the human condition. There are also the guys, only girls, which for many years, practically since they are in the world, she offers a model of relationship between men and women based on the exchange of sex-power-money. His children and his grandchildren, who keep it, you certainly feel humbled by his laxity. Mr. President, Many observers agree that the time of his premiership is about to expire, we are the last days of Pompeii, and we know that an empire to its end almost always a side expresses moral degradation. But without wanting to talk politics, according to its essentials, and even my humanity, the hope, Mr. President, is that the output you accept the limitations and responsibilities associated with its venerable age, you find the moral strength to express some repentance at the last minute to return to the younger generation that, along with something else (the possibility of a job, a house, a life), was taken away from them: trust in truth, built on respect and dignity, and the possibility of building together, men and women, the little bit of serenity in which we are given hope in life. Be helped to do so, whether alone can not. As told by a daughter to a father in serious trouble, and feeling a deep compassion for you and for all.
I would add to the impeccable letter Marina Terragni simply a reflection of all staff. I think if he were still alive the adored mother of Silvio Berlusconi, Mrs. Rosa Bossi, the same phrases and the same considerations made by Terragni were said by Mrs. Rosa to his son and that they would not hesitate a moment to bow their heads and resign from role of head of government, leaving the political scene and immediately retired to private life. Maybe in a beautiful monastery. Absolutely novices.