Yesterday when I read a flash agency, where the name was approached in a statement read on behalf of earthquake victims (for life) Aquila, I had a sort of sob brain , a kind of arrhythmia of thought and I said, you want to see that even the nano Consigliori Arcore broke the boxes to act as a permanent crutch that kind of sewer rat who dwells in that of Palazzo Grazioli? Damn, the puppets, my son had to reverse. The news was released that statement that he had thought about the grandson of Consigliori, Enrico Letta, commonly known eater children and owner of horses drinking alla fontana di piazza San Pietro e, caso più unico che raro, il flash d'agenzia era stato ripreso da uno dei giornali più antiberlusconiani per antonomasia ( ), diretto da un famigerato bolscevico nonchè ex agente del KGB, proprio quel Maurizio Belpietro sfuggito di recente alla cattura dei khmer rossi della bassa bresciana, leggermente incazzati perchè Belpietro aveva licenziato (senza giusta causa) uno di loro, rappresentante molto ascoltato nel comitato di redazione. Tornando alla dura realtà, ieri la manifestazione a L'Aquila del popolo delle carriole ( ) has effectively revived the spotlight (just for the truth) on the scandalous situation after the earthquake. Nineteen months after the tragic night of April 6, 2009, everything seems to have crystallized indecorously, as after the casting of Vesuvius at Pompeii. The ruins are still all there to witness the abandonment of a state (or rather a part of it unworthily represented by Berlusconi and his cronies) that has only promised and delayed, denied and insured, guaranteed and denied everything and the opposite of everything, leaving a dry mouth and body with anger in thousands of L'Aquila still sodomized by that infinite serpent of lies and deception, skillfully constructed by the Berlusconi government. And just as the debris of Aquila, the ruins of Italy also democratic are always there, in front of Palazzo Chigi, to prove the negligence and the contemptuous indifference of the Government's commitment to all those citizens (not just L'Aquila), which, although not physically earthquake , are in the soul and mind, in the dignity and the ability to go forward, still hope for a future that they can bring out a nightmare that has lasted three decades. It is urgently looking for volunteers and good people willing to remove these debris (from L'Aquila and Palazzo Chigi), citizens shall bear to the possibility of changing the face of the cities affected by the disaster, (L'Aquila and Rome) and as a result of restore dignity existential dignity and Italy, strongly affected and penetrated down to its democratic roots by a criminal gang that compared to those of the Magliana seemed young cubs, which is the best form of Scouting nationally. That says it all.
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