Finally there are grounds to identify the true weak side of the granite Berlusconi's conviction can always stay in the saddle and govern our country. I realized today following his alleged apparitions in the flooded areas and also in his short visit to L'Aquila. The catch: the Pied Piper of Arcore by enormous discomfort people feel (or at least what he believes is the his people) that the whistles and insults him, giving him the Mafia and that the spernacchia, inviting him to go home and resign. For Berlusconi, these protests are like salt thrown on the wound or like vinegar on the lips of the past who is dying of thirst. One thing intolerable, unbearable, paroxysmal. He has always fatto dell'acclamazione, totale ed incondizionata da parte di chi lo sostiene, una sorta di invincibile cavallo di battaglia, lui che ha sistematicamente cercato e caldeggiato la partecipazione continua e deferente della sua corte (sia essa formata da nani e ballerine, affaristi e zoccole, mafiosi e marocchine), per sentirsi infinitamente amato e rispettato, adesso proprio lui si accorge dell'esistenza di quella gente del Nord Est che gli volta le spalle, che lo dileggia e lo contesta così rumorosamente da fargli decidere di uscire mestamente da una porta secondaria piuttosto che trionfante da quella principale per raccogliere ovazioni e applausi da spellarsi le mani. Ecco, cari lettori, abbiamo trovato il rimedio ai nostri comuni mali del terzo millennio: to free us from Berlusconi (and all that damn wheel around) do not have to officiate at the convention or tossing motions of no confidence were not even pennies. Simply, in my humble opinion, just follow the example of those people who today, as aa Vicenza Padova ( 00144f02aabc-), L'Aquila as Milan were made to feel, to the disproportionate ears of the premier, all their lawful protest and renewable energy as a kind of positive reverberate endlessly in all those Italians who (like a person writes) are fed up, but just over Silvio Berlusconi and not wait to wake up as soon as possible in a country more free, more beautiful, more democratic and economically advanced. In other words, in another Italy. It does not take much. Just whistle. Multiplied indefinitely.
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