Non posso esimermi da qualche altra considerazione sull'argomento del giorno, della settimana, probabilmente dell'anno. Vale a dire sulle zozzerie compiute, with a frequency that is unbelievable, the Prime Minister of our country. I start with a personal observation: I believe that Berlusconi has all the characteristics (physical, moral character, and more) symptomatic of the classic dirty old man found in bars than once. A sort of decrepit remains of the male lived before the advent of feminism, a male (if we want to call it) that, with the power of money, forcing the women free from disgust and strong stomach, to be subjected to hideous orgies which generate (I think) disgust, indignation and disgust at all those people with normal sensitivity and good manners. But certainly not generate all the emulators (swollen with envy) the drilling of Arcore. The point, unfortunately, is just that. Paradoxically, the symbolic impact of this sad and sordid tale of sex, drugs and bunga bunga is inversely proportional to the custom of an unwritten rule but reasonable application. That which is that, in a democratic country and the civilized adult and sexually, a man clearly out of control (as is now the prime minister) receives admiration and followed by the slice (deterioration) of the same country. This is because, in my view, decades of trash TV, reality television and pornography butcher (based on gender and homophobia) have settled something rotten and dangerous in the brains (and hearts) of men and delle donne alle quali sciaguratamente così a lungo la tv ha parlato. Sono tanti i giovani che si propongono ogni qualvolta parte una chiamata per partecipare a un programma spazzatura o che si appassionano nel seguire quegli squallidi format pomeridiani che mettono in scena il mercato dei sentimenti e della guerra tra i sessi. Mancano (a livello sociale, istituzionale e familiare) dei punti di riferimento forti per quello che riguarda l'universo adulto maschile ed è quindi abbastanza ovvio che l'unico simbolo assoluto e ipertrofico che emerge sia quello di un uomo potente che in modo indisturbato abusa del suo status e che si auto-assolve in nome della sua granitica e sfacciata protervia. Forse è anche figlio stabile di un patriarcato che è is immune to the processes of change in the history of our country. If my information and if my studies were not defrauded by strange events, I can perhaps have the audacity to say that in Italy, sometimes in conflict with others fighting for justice and fairness, were women liberation movements to offer tools for cultural and political practices aimed at changing the history, customs and laws not only for their benefit. And all this, today is a clash on the melancholy situation with the violence of the words of one man (Berlusconi) who spreads hatred, contempt and ill will towards homosexuals, which pays for minors and adults confirm the their sexuality (which is a hydraulic system cost 20 000 €) and to escape his apparent fear of old age and death. That, however, sooner or later, will submit the inevitable and not put off the final bill.
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