In muddy and not very clear scenario of Italian politics are not always able to see characters (real or imagined) that, in practice, can transform into action the many and sometimes cloying words of good intentions and true intention. Not everyone has the necessary courage to field its authority and its political and moral weight to take be postponed and the necessary decisions. At the time of the First Republic (if it was that we are in the second) was in vogue as rampant political jargon for the use and consumption of the barons of the art of non-communication, or that particular power to speak to the people without being (intentionally ) at the same time understand and send messages more or less transverse to supporters and opponents of the political scene. Terms so dear to the various Andreotti, Moro, Rumor, Gava, De Mita and others, such as "parallel convergences" or "historic compromise", today (duly and properly processed) and thrive in the minds of the greatest leaders in mental propositions our house. From this I incipit, perhaps a bit too convoluted, I wanted to highlight my particular waiting for today's speech a few hours Gianfranco Fini decide at the conclusion of the convention and the Future of Freedom in progress in Bastia Umbra. Yesterday I followed through direct SKYTG24 his brief opening speech that he had something of a skirmish for the troops Berlusconi today there will be something loud, I also appreciated the intervention of hotly Italo Bocchino as well as the perfect interpretation (by impeccable showman) of Luca Barbareschi to read the Manifesto in Italy, with the magnificent background of the music of Ennio Morricone taken into loan from the movie "Once Upon a Time in America". Well, in hindsight, the atmosphere that hung yesterday at the convention and the Future of Freedom was typical for Italy the day before the event in full regalia, before the advent fibrillation ideal highlight, preview crackling the main dish of the day. Now it's Gianfranco Fini did not deny the premise, do not betray the expectations, not to frustrate the prospects of real change that part of Italy calls for deliberately and sincerely. The undersigned is part (paradox of paradoxes) of this fringe Italian about to catapult into a new era of national political season, that of post Berlusconi. All eyes, at least of those italiani che si riconoscono in quest'attesa, sono puntati sul presidente della Camera e tutte le orecchie saranno drizzate e pronte a captare l'evento. Spero solo che Gianfranco non faccia, mutuando un paragone calcistico, come quell'attaccante che, solo davanti alla porta sguarnita, cincischia con il pallone tra i piedi permettendo il prodigioso recupero, in tackle scivolato, da parte del difensore centrale berlusconiano. Spero proprio che ciĆ² non accada. Altrimenti, addio partita.
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