John is attracted to Teresa. They go to the movies together, have fun. A few nights after they go to dinner together and again they are fine. In a short time, none of them see more of the other. One evening while returning home by car, Teresa says, "Did you think that today we see that six months?" It is silence in the car. For Teresa that silence is full of meanings. Think: "You might be annoyed because I said that. Perhaps he thinks that I want to provoke a decision. Maybe he's not yet time to make a decision."
But John is thinking: "But ... already six months ..." And Elaine is thinking: "But maybe I'm not sure I want this kind of relationship. Maybe I need a little I also 'freedom, to have time to think, think about what I really want. I'm really ready to this? Do I really know this man? "
And Roger is thinking: "So that means ... ... it was February! Yes, it was February when we started! We started after I left the car to a mechanic ... that is ... we see a time when the odometer ... Shit, I have to change the oil! " And Elaine is thinking: "He was speechless. He is overwhelmed. Maybe he wants more from our relationship. Maybe he knew before me that I do not feel ready. Yes, that is: afraid of being rejected. "And Roger is thinking:" I must bring the car to a mechanic: I should double check the carburetor this time. This machine looks like a truck when he walks ...". And Teresa thinks: "He is angry. And he's right. God how I feel guilty! But the truth is that I do not feel safe. "And Roger is thinking:" And certainly the mechanic tells me that the warranty is only three months ... "And Elaine is thinking:" Maybe I'm too idealistic. Always expect Prince Charming on his white horse ... And now that close to me is a good person, a person who is important for me, a person who suffers from these my obsessions ... I act like a fool! "And Roger is thinking:" Three months warranty? Are you kidding? If I'm not the carburetor system
...!" "John!" Teresa said aloud. "What?" John says surprised. "Please, do not torture it," she says with her eyes full of tears, " I should not tell you ... Oh God, I feel so ... "" What? "Says John." I'm so stupid, "she sobs Teresa:" I know that there is the Prince. There is the rider and the horse is not ... "" There is the horse? "John says in amazement." You think I'm stupid, right? "Says Teresa." No! "Says John happy to finally have a definite answer. "It's just that I need some 'time." says Teresa. There is a pause of about 15 seconds faster than John thinks he can and look for a logical answer. "Sure, I understand," he says. Teresa, excited, takes her hand: "Oh, John, do you really think that?" "Yes." John says: "Yes, definitely!" Teresa John looks into his eyes and he returns nervous thinking that maybe she will speak again of the horse. Finally she says: "Thanks John".
John accompanies Teresa at home and she goes to bed. Teresa weeps until dawn. Meanwhile, John returns home, he opens a bag of chips, turns on the TV and see a replica of a tennis match between two unknown players. A small voice inside her brain says that night driving is something happened di importante. Ma Giovanni è sicuro che non c'è modo di capire cosa è successo: è meglio non pensarci.
Il giorno dopo Teresa chiamerà una delle sue amiche e parleranno della cosa per sei ore di seguito. Analizzeranno più volte tutto quello che lei ha detto e tutto quello che lui ha detto. Esamineranno ogni parola e valuteranno ogni conseguenza. Continueranno poi a discutere per settimane senza arrivare a conclusioni, ma senza mai annoiarsi. Intanto Giovanni un giorno, mentre sta guardando una partita di calcio con un amico, distrattamente dirà: "Luca, sai se Teresa ha un cavallo?"
da "Focus" settembre 2002
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