ma in che razza di Paese viviamo?
episodes of violence occurred underground in sequence in Milan and Rome not only confirms the barbarity of our current society and humanity of the third millennium. It is not fair, of course, to generalize, but by itself is dangerous to say that something is changing within each of us then the indifference and addiction are the masters. Without disturbing psychologists and psychiatrists, without consulting scholars and analysts trombones of free thought, I think it is sufficient to set the example it is clear from reading two editorials this morning, signed by Michael Serra and Elena Loewenthal, respectively the Republic and La Stampa, taken from the site of Manuela Ghizzoni (http : / / and ). If I can add something too softly, I think this nefarious habit of violent atmosphere that pervades today's society, is also due to the continuous and systematic process of brainwashing and false statement made by the education of a standard TV Model prevaricator of winning the whose result is to have caused a deep anthropological mutation, dare I say even inevitable in this country.
At intersections of streets, as well as by car or on foot, by train or off the premises, both in schools and workplaces, from North to South, there is now an exponential increase of violent act, the fight, aggression, or linked not connected with the small and large-scale crime.
E 'quite well known that in our country are growing significantly disputes, both the condominium and those that are avoidable and solvable through the peaceful relations between people. Whilst it may be that this still exists. We witness (often powerless) to widespread and persistent aggression, indicatrice della fine del senso del buon vicinato, primo gradino indispensabile per poi edificare, su vasta scala, la convivenza civile.
L'episodio di Roma è emblematico: il corpo di una donna riverso a terra è stato scavalcato e ignorato da decine di persone per oltre due minuti prima che qualcuno si chinasse e intervenisse ( ) dopo il devastante pugno sferrato dal ventenne romano a seguito di una banale lite per una precedenza nell'acquisto di un biglietto per la metropolitana. A Milano un uomo è anche lui in coma per le ferite riportate dopo un pestaggio causato dal suo accidentale investimento di un cane: un energumeno, fidanzato della proprietaria the poor animal, he tackled and reduced end of life. But not all, of the attacker because friends have also severely intimidated witnesses of the incident, who have laid down and confirmed that the investor was not high speed and was excusing the horrible fate. Our country, therefore, that classical iconography has always been portrayed as a bit 'rogue but populated by people of good heart and is rapidly turning into a scary place, where being nice and caring is synonymous with absolute loser, where the leader calls on young-looking to be a rich man to settle down and pushes gym dandies models which aspire to become consecrated to idols from TV programs and entertainment such as those of information, in a continuum of training and educational messages that contribute to the minimization and justification (if not the legitimacy) of the violent reaction of the insult, abuse of a just and valid behavior . Beat it first, do not stop to think, look straight ahead, climbs over any obstacle: this is a new handbook that mothers and fathers should keep in mind for the education of children, sons and daughters if they are winners and losers not , as they say today. How to blame them, with a view to safeguarding the blood of their blood, when the educational agencies are at zero in the ranking of political and social priorities?
Gentleness, ethological category far removed from submissiveness and modesty, but an essential ingredient for building empathy and relationship between human, an attribute is now obsolete in the horizon of education and training of Italy Howler aggressive and powerful and arrogant. How to get out of this horrible
social impasse I think today is a painful question unanswered.
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