I purposely waited a couple of days before writing some of my thinking on the matter bunga bunga. I wanted to make easy irony of the President of the Council (I always hope not for long) Silvio Berlusconi, who, in a burst of genuine humanity, had worked on May 27, bothered even the chief of staff of the police headquarters in Milan, entrust a young Moroccan even eighteen (held in custody for theft of jewelry and money) to the loving care of his dental hygienist, who in the meantime (for the merits of orthodontics) had become the Lombardy Regional Council, although many continue to believe that most of the dentist's drill worked something else ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8kqUcpTAJU ). But then I said, is like shooting on the Red Cross. And I gave up, mainly because someone (even someone) said that Silvio has behaved like Caritas. Indeed, more. But now, apart from everything and the proven part of the Pied Piper of disease Arcore (already amply revealed by the ex-wife Veronica Lario), we try to make clear something serious namely, that those who really does good to others without much trumpeted and without even sending out the police headquarters of its workforce in Italy, nor even the manicure responsible for removing corns and calluses from the valuables and personal ends. Take, for good (with a superhuman effort of will) what I said Silvio good: his knowledge of Moroccan minors is due to the simple fact that he help those in need. The national press (and others) and politics are divided between those who believe in this statement and those who believe that this is anything but. The way I see is another important issue. There are millions of Italians who help girls and guys who really need it. Many do business in exchange for a salary over-content. Teachers, psychologists, social workers and educators. Everyone who finished the hours paid, often continue to work for free because they know that those same boys and girls in the hours following certificates may be in difficulty at other times, needing constant care. Many times these Italians who help the next are already other jobs. maybe working in a bank or are entrepreneurs or even simple workers. And maybe donate their money and spend their time by providing their knowledge and their attention to emotional and operational. Or maybe you are simply parents who part of the many forms of mutual aid and informal crisis facing the dangers of growth. Or even the foundations are experts who decide which projects give the money wisely considering those who manage and those who will use them with wisdom and balance. Yes, dear Prime Minister (I always hope for much longer), there are many Italians who help young Italians and foreigners (and not only the beautiful Moroccan minors). Help their families with complex support measures, respecting the balance and reason and law. They also try to minimize the damage in the absence of the families themselves, through foster care (but with the real one, not like with his antics) or hours and days of time spent. Often these Italians spend part of their holidays with young people in poverty or in need. And to do all these things are updated continuously on how and what to do. Study, participating in weekend confrontation, followed by conferences of psychologists, educators, judges and doctors. Face therapy or personal supervision of the group, but to avoid gross errors. They go abroad and engage with those who do the same thing elsewhere (and do not like her going abroad just to get to the Latvian by Putin or being told by Gaddafi how the bunga bunga ). These Italians of which I speak, dear Prime Minister (I always hope not for long), are believers and laity. Vote to the right and left also at the center. Because when it comes to really make these things (ie to help others), the ideological barriers fall and there are even more politicized judges. And the comparison, natural and appropriate, which includes positions and different currents of thought, and moves to the common reflection about the difficult things done and the results obtained. And with so many mistakes. This requires humility and effort to look within and ask if you are doing all for the kids or for themselves. Also because education is a difficult job, but to educate and support those who are young and in trouble (and not only if she is beautiful and Moroccan) is really difficult. This is the great and laborioso esercito di persone perbene, caro Silvio, che aiuta davvero i ragazzi che hanno bisogno. Un esercito che rappresenta la migliore Italia bipartisan. Chi ne fa parte potrà pensare bene o male di lei (forse più male che bene), esimio premier. Ma sono sicuro che nessuno, ma proprio nessuno, di questi italiani ritiene che regalare gioielli o denaro o vestiti di marca a un'adoloscente in difficoltà (per quanto procace e sensuale sia) voglia dire aiutare veramente chi ne ha bisogno. Perchè credo che il solo pensarlo offenda profondamente gli anni di lavoro, le cose fatte e apprese e lo stesso senso della vita e della relazione tra esseri umani, che nel tempo hanno dato significato all'impegno reale e non propagandistico di questo esercito del well represented by our countrymen. Take example from them, Prime Minister Berlusconi. And by Gaddafi and his harem.
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