era of modern technology can not be surprised if the mafia also use the Internet, and in particular this platform (Blogger), to write almost as experienced journalists, the faccia di tutto e di tutti. Il Professore di Villabate (il titolo non è accademico ma dovuto alle alte e meritevoli credenziali criminali), al secolo Nino Mandalà , ha aperto recentemente un blog ( ) con la lodevole intenzione di scrivere e disquisire di problemi di giustizia e di carceri, di mafia e di amicizie politiche ed istituzionali, come quella (accertata dalla magistratura) con il presidente del Senato Renato Schifani . Il nostro nuovo blogger siciliano sta cercando, a modo suo, di allontanare dalla seconda carica dello Stato l'ombra della mafiosità che da un pò di tempo sta aleggiando con una certa insistenza, soprattutto dopo i reiterati servizi The Express newspaper de and de The Daily Without a signature, respectively Lirio Abbate and Peter Gomez ( indagato-schifani/2135303 and ). The feeling, at least that mine is that the professor is not just succeed. Indeed, forced to give the Horned his two (former?) Friends, namely Renatino Schifani and Riquet La Loggia, is giving more and more the impression that you have the grudge against them, magari per qualche "favore" non prontamente restituito. Detto questo, per farsi un'idea del contesto socio-mafioso nel quale ha avuto modo di proliferare la strana amicizia tra il boss di Villabate e i due politici berlusconiani, basta andare a rileggersi le intercettazioni tratte da un bel libro-inchiesta (dall'esplicativo titolo I complici ) della già citata coppia Abbate-Gomez, edito da Fazi Editore (per chi ha il braccino corto o non ha momentaneamente risorse finanziarie può leggersi lo stralcio da questo ottimo blog, ). Tornando al blog di Mandalà mi viene da pensare che il Professore non cerchi tanto la vendetta towards two horned , but rather say its about politics and philosophy (rather petty and certainly not along the lines we Schopenhauer) with reflections of acquired in prison. He writes about wiretapping, men walled up alive, marathons vasatorie Totò Cuffaro. She also writes of Casini and Schifani, stating that " not me to say that he has been friend and associate of Senator Schifani, but they say a video of the President of the Senate appears to my wedding and proceedings from SICULO BROKERS showing that we were partners in that company . Mandala is one of the old guard, yet writes with freshness and mental agility (almost as much as I ...); looks like a beautiful forty (despite twenty years of more) to deal with a moral and ethical battle. Schifani when he writes that " is a piece of shit" because he has betrayed not know if it describes reality but gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis long-time desperately trying to recover the moments of life fled away, without there is more chance of recapture. And this is even a little effort. I must confess that I'm surprised this aspect of the Mafia (I'm referring to those who end up in jail and then start a blog, not to those who sit in the House or the Senate ...) who continue to believe that politicians with a loads as high as that of Schifani, not leave from the corrupting power of forgetting friends who have taken them up there for a short memory or interest does not matter. Ultimately, the Mafia (as well as the Camorra and 'Ndrangheta) are the only ones who end up behind bars the nation's prisons (and in solitary confinement for life), to serve that power in criminal other benefit. Most of the time are handled by the system as disposable soldiers, to be used at the appropriate time and then have to rot in jail. When the mobsters will understand that the game is not worth the candle, which cumannari 5 or 10 years in solitary confinement for 30 then it is not better ca futtiri , but especially when you break this perverse relationship between the Mafia and politics then, and only then, can hope (for Italy) in a real change. And we will not need a Mafia-blogger ...
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